
Later, Snapzu

After a week and some change of experimenting with this site it's occurred to me that Snapzu isn't quite the right fit for me. But I'd like to thank the community for being mostly open and welcoming during this time.

9 years ago by radixius with 18 comments

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Conversation 5 comments by 4 users
  • Appaloosa

    Could you tell us why it is not a fit for you?

    • radixius

      It had nothing to do with the community. You're all lovely, if a bit too highbrow for me. That's the real issue, that weird mental gap between where I usually tend to sit on the internet and the conversation du rigueur on Snapzu. I'm an idiot and like cracking jokes and regularly enjoy making a vulgar, lubricious ass out of myself, but that doesn't seem to be encouraged, and from comments I read in a certain thread yesterday, greatly dismayed by certain segments of the userbase. Don't want to step on any toes. Not my style.

      And don't get me wrong, I tried to carve some niches out in this beautiful, yet strange little webzone you've all created for yourselves by inviting my bestest buddy in the whole world and making a couple of tribes, but it seemed there was no traction with those options and no desirable reason to expand out of these tiny cloistered safe spaces that everyone builds when given the sets of tools like this site offers. Another minor thing that kind of got on my tits is that there are very few real conversations that happen in the comments of snaps, more people just kind of talking at each other. Paragraphs of text that don't say much of anything. And yes, I catch the irony in that statement.

      Honestly, though, even after all of that nonsense I just wrote, the bottom line is thus; It's not you, Snapzu, it's me.

      • ishana

        So you are going back to your ex now... You still have feelings for her :/

      • SevenTales

        Hey man, at least you definitely know what you want and what you are. Awesome, that is. Have a great one, and if you drop by again, don't forget to say hello :D

      • Appaloosa (edited 9 years ago)

        Thanks for sharing. I feel a bit of a misfit myself, though never because of the behavior of people here. They are respectful, articulate and many times interesting. I try to stay out of the political arenas and try to go more for the weird and funny stuff....even non-pc, which I think is treading thin ice at Snapzu.

  • drunkenninja

    Definitely appreciate the fact that you took the effort to say good bye to everyone and gracefully didn't slam the door, or sneaked out the kitchen window! We are working on some really fantastic additions to the platform and the next few months look really exciting, if you ever itch to pop back on just to see how this place has progressed, don't be a stranger, as you will always have a spot here. I'm sure I can speak for everyone when I say, we wish you the best of luck in your quest of finding the right community!

  • abear

    You say goodbye, I say hello. 2nd comment.

    • Nate

      Hello, hello.

  • ressmox

    Farewell /u/radixius. I hope to see you around these parts again! Perhaps drop by /t/ideasforsnapzu before you leave and speak a bit more about what you are looking for.

  • sin

    Nooo, where are you going? We NSFW guys have to stick together!

  • 90boss

    You're always welcome back buddy!

  • spaceghoti

    We're glad you gave us a try and that you're leaving with no hard feelings.