  • CrookedTale

    Hi Sandra,

    As a pirate I am all about the renewable energy, specifically wind energy. Nothing like a sail full of wind! I sit right outside my directors office so he "can keep an eye on me". I had a tendency to kick in the doors of managers and directors and yell at them from time to time. But I had to stop that once they put in sliding glass doors for all the offices so they could see "who" is coming. And by "who" I mean me. We also have a Mormon in the office but he wont talk to me anymore because I keep asking about that crazy magic underwear they all wear. I am honestly interested in it, like will it stop a round? Can I swim better? Could I fly if I wear it? I don't think you could fly while wearing it because I do not see many Mormons flying around the US and I believe if anyone had flying magical underwear they would use it every day! I know I would. So anyway, this is SNAPZU. We don't have a lot of Fern's around and I have yet to find the printer but have fun!

    • SandrasReality

      Thanks for the awesome welcome CrookedTale! Honestly, the Mormon are such a sensitive peoples. Have you ever had a Scientologist try to convert you though? If you are going to ask about magic underwear, they probably have an answer for you.