Text Post: Traffic spike! posted by teamsnapzu
  • irunfrombears

    That's where I came from also. I was worried they'd get a giant reddit hug. I checked out a few of the other sites mentioned in that thread but this is the only site I've spent a significant amount of time on. Says a lot about Snapzu.

    • bluemtfreerider

      its like reddit with level ups and all of the good subreddit names aren't gone. im stoked about it.

      • UpEndAdam

        Agreed! And same here as well :)

      • haeikou

        It's like reddit but with more polish and more buttons and omg everything looks new I must click it. I'm missing keyboard navigation so far, in particular the jkaz enter hotkeys from RES.

      • AmA

        more like reddit + twitter

      • asdf

        and all the good usernames too! I got asdf :p

        • drunkenninja

          LOL definitely an easy type in..

        • baron778

          now just make your password 1234 and youre all set!

        • drunkenninja
          @baron778 -

          hah, I bet one of these news accounts has a "1234" password ;)

      • hustlebone07

        Here's to hoping we don't run it into the ground!