  • drunkenninja

    I don't believe so, but I think it would be good to have a solid discussion about it and see where we go from there.

    • Moderator

      I think a discussion would be good. I also think chiefs and mods should be accountable for their actions, and one way to promote that is to make related actions and PMs visible to the public.

      As for non-administrative PMs, I suppose those should remain private.

      • drunkenninja

        Publicly available chief / mod logs are something we definitely want to introduce, but I don't think any PM's should be publicly posted, its a slippery slope from there when it comes to privacy. Then again, I think we're all open to good arguments against this.

      • Moderator
        @drunkenninja -

        An easy workaround is to have a different channel of communication for when a chief/mod wants to speak to a user in an official capacity. They'll both know that those messages are public, and there's no reason for them not to be.

      • spaceghoti
        @drunkenninja -

        On the other hand, do you want to enable a chief/moderator to bypass publicity by retreating to PM to discuss moderation or other topics relevant to the tribe? It's one thing to say PMs should be private, but another to say that tribe business can be kept hidden because they're in PMs. If a screenshot gets posted revealing the contents of a PM that clearly belongs in the logs, should the poster be reprimanded?

      • drunkenninja
        @Moderator -

        I think a public channel of communication could be the right idea here, and definitely something we can incorporate sometime in the future. Most of these things sadly have to be considered reactive measures as we grow and learn from issues that arise. Good idea though!