  • spaceghoti

    There's a pretty diverse environment here, and as with reddit you can control your feed by the tribes you join and (unlike reddit) the users you follow. Conversation is still fairly civil here as the community is still small enough to discourage bad behavior. The downvote is mostly not used as an "I disagree button" but I see there are people who haven't kicked that habit yet. If you do see a downvote on a snap click it and it should show you why users downvoted it (often because it's a repost).

    The ability to cross-post to multiple tribes at the same time is a rather neat feature as well.

    • trendkill

      If you do see a downvote on a snap click it and it should show you why users downvoted it (often because it's a repost).

      I was not aware of that feature. That is really cool. You kind of have to justify your downvotes rather than let people guess.

      • [Deleted Profile]

        [This comment was removed]

      • spaceghoti

        You don't have to, but people often do which is considerate of them. Others don't, and that's when I suspect they're following the old bad habit of using it as "I disagree." So far it's not a big problem but we'll see what happens as the community grows, especially if we continue the influx from Reddit.

        • trendkill

          Yeah, but that's the problem with any online community once it grows beyond a certain size. It's sadly inevitable as far as I can tell.

        • spaceghoti
          @trendkill -

          The admins seem to feel confident that the experience system they've put into place will mitigate the damage quite a bit. I'm willing to believe them but suspending judgment until I see the results for myself. At least one bad apple decided to abuse the system either to make a point or troll and they were quick to give that person the boot.

        • trendkill (edited 8 years ago)
          @spaceghoti -

          Yeah, we'll have to give it time to see how the chips fall. I can definitely see it mitigating some of the damage, but I'm not sure if it's possible to deal with all or even most of it once you hit that size where a lot of sites fall apart.

          Edit: Ooh, nifty, it added the @spaceghoti by itself!

        • drunkenninja
          @spaceghoti -

          Lets not forget the end result from his little 20 min rampage. There are now limitations to how many downvotes you have based on level. Here is the post describing the change.

        • spaceghoti
          @drunkenninja -

          It's a good thing, and I applaud your team's response. But I'm still remaining skeptical until I see how the system handles a large-scale downvote squad. ;) It's not that I don't want to believe you, it's just that I have too much experience with Internet trolls.

        • drunkenninja
          @spaceghoti -

          Totally understand where you're coming from! But lets be realistic for a minute... when it comes to large, organized down vote squads (brigades) I believe any action taken will be purely reactionary as there is no preventive system in the world that is able to just predict these types of events. At most we can be pro-active by tracking certain elements to look for patterns, but at the end of the day we are at the mercy of how good our reaction to this is. The good thing is, as long as the tools exist we can mitigate a lot of the damage and then focus on removing that element from the community.