  • drunkenninja (edited 8 years ago)

    He starts off as a child just about to enter adolescence and her description of the world matches what a child of his age would be able to comprehend. The level gradually increases with each book as Harry matures and increases his own understanding, also becoming gradually darker and more fraught with peril.

    That's fascinating, I might go with the first book and see what I think. Also, I was considering watching the movies before I bite into the books, good idea?

    Edit: I will read the books first if I get past the first one.

    • spaceghoti

      The books and movies tell largely the same story but the movies really leave out a lot of critical information because there's just too much to cover. I recommend reading the books first and watching the movies after.

    • sushmonster

      You don't want to be spoiled by the movies, drunkenninja, take my word on that one!

    • Harold (edited 8 years ago)

      Read the books first, in the films Hermione is given the best bits of several other characters and it dumbs down Ron in the films to a bumbling idiot with no loyalty whereas in the books he's a fantastic character. This also ruins Hermione as it leaves her with no faults and without a 3 dimensional character