
Is there any interest in organized re-reading and discussion of the whole series?

I have been thinking of organizing bi-weekly (or monthly, depending on what people would want!) discussions of the books in order. We can point out all the new things we discover, amongst other things. It could be fun but only if we had enough people participating! So I wanted to gauge the interest of my tribe members! :)

9 years ago by sushmonster with 23 comments

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Conversation 14 comments by 7 users
  • drunkenninja

    I've never actually read the Harry Potter books nor watched the movies. I might be willing to if someone can convince me its worth the effort :) But then again, not during the summer, there is simply too much things to do and too little time for prolonged reading.

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    • caelreth

      I don't know how I would convince you, exactly. As a fantasy story, it is not unlike others: an unlikely protagonist, someone trying to kill said protagonist, and small armies of help on both sides. But, the writing is good. Maybe no one would call it 'great' literature, but I thought the writing was solid and it kept me entertained. The characters are varied and unique (at least within the books), and I found many of the characters just plain interesting. But, I guess the highest recommendation I can give is that when I got to the end of book 7, I wanted to know what happened next. And not just for the main characters, but for the school, and the secondary cast.

      • drunkenninja

        So in other words you found it very engaging. That's a good sign for me :)

        • caelreth

          I guess you could sum it up that way :)

    • Crator

      I'm in the exact same boat as you. If a book club started for it. I'd be willing to at least give it a shot. I'm a big fan of YA Lit so I'd most likely like it.

  • Ewok007

    I'd be interested. It has been a while since I re-read the books, and I know there is a lot of stuff I missed in there.

  • jcscher

    I have always meant to read the books,but never have. I have watched a couple of the movies and they were good. I just have never sat down with the books as it seems I was always reading something else. I think I will give the books a try in the near future.

  • HauntedCryme

    I'd be quite interested in this. It's similar to what MuggleCast did in their hayday. A chapter a week, and then a discussion where they included the community as best as they could. I really enjoyed it, and a pace of a chapter a week gives enough time to fully pick different things apart which people may have missed on even numerous read-throughs.

    • SilverLumos

      Have you checked out the Alohomora podcast? It's another podcast from Mugglenet (same site that did mugglecast) and it even has some of the same hosts. They started doing a chapter by chapter reread back in 2012. They've been releasing new episodes on a weekly basis (I think it started out as two chapters per episode for the first couple books, but now each episode is one chapter) They're just now finishing up Half Blood prince. If you've got time you should check it out!

      • HauntedCryme (edited 9 years ago)

        I remember listening to a few episodes back in the day, but this was when Mugglecast was at its peak, and they just didn't have the chemistry the Mugglecast hosts had (which is still remarkable. I'm still yet to find a podcast where the hosts gel as well as Mugglecast).

        I will give it another listen at some point, though!

  • SilverLumos

    I haven't done a proper reread in a while. I would be game for this. I've never participated in a group reread before but I've always thought it would be fun.

  • Quilopt

    I would definitely be interested in this. I love hearing how other people interpret certain scenes and events in books, and I honestly haven't had a good proper read through of the Harry Potter series in a while. Count me in!

  • leo19

    This post is a few months old...Has the re-read already started?

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