  • caelreth

    I don't know how I would convince you, exactly. As a fantasy story, it is not unlike others: an unlikely protagonist, someone trying to kill said protagonist, and small armies of help on both sides. But, the writing is good. Maybe no one would call it 'great' literature, but I thought the writing was solid and it kept me entertained. The characters are varied and unique (at least within the books), and I found many of the characters just plain interesting. But, I guess the highest recommendation I can give is that when I got to the end of book 7, I wanted to know what happened next. And not just for the main characters, but for the school, and the secondary cast.

    • drunkenninja

      So in other words you found it very engaging. That's a good sign for me :)

      • caelreth

        I guess you could sum it up that way :)