  • AdelleChattre

    I got it, and it must seem like I let you have it, but the devil’s advocate — like the agent-of-karma — is in the picture, not given some magical immunity. Why is one reason why it is always, and ought to be, so hard.

  • drunkenninja
    @AdelleChattre -

    Oh, don't get me wrong, when playing the DA I don't mind a good ass whooping (just look at the exchange with me and /u/spaceghoti) otherwise I wouldn't have done it in the first place. No way would I even imply that I am exempt with some magical immunity, but when arguments get personal, it becomes nothing but an exercise in futility. Either way, I haven't done this very often, and felt that if I did jump in we would have a good discussion on the subject. Happy with the results, even though I felt dirty taking part :)

  • AdelleChattre
    @drunkenninja -

    The point was personal, like the topic and that devil’s advocate’s mistake. I regret nothing about putting the argument that way other than you feeling the sharpness of it, scornful downvotes or no.

  • drunkenninja
    @AdelleChattre -

    Isn't the point of a good argument not to make things personal? As for the scornful down votes, I had no part in that.

    • AdelleChattre
      @drunkenninja -

      Oh, I know. No complaints. What good are useless Internet points if you never use them? As for good arguments never being personal, my intuition is that rule of thumb may not hold true, especially in personal subjects. One might as well claim good arguments can only be abstract, but never concrete.