  • spaceghoti

    I have experienced this, although not as bad as you. Probably because I've decided to try the age-old wisdom of not trying to beat them at their own game. There are several...individuals who have commented in my snaps or replied to my comments whom I tried having a brief conversation but once it was obvious they were grinding an ideological axe rather than having a conversation I bowed out and didn't respond since. I still get random downvotes on my comments and snaps but I don't wade into the fray like I would on reddit.

    And of course, thanks to Poe's Law I can't tell if they're behaving this way because they're trolling or because they genuinely think they're justified in what they're saying and doing.

    • VoyagerXyX

      Agreed, and it becomes very difficult to handle. I'm not sure how to tackle this but I feel like it could become a dangerously fast paced downslide if some of the more responsible members don't try to do something. I've neglected to share this on a larger tribe because I don't want a discussion like this to just get trolled out. Not sure what the next step is here.

      • spaceghoti

        I made my concerns known to the admins before the latest influx and they expressed confidence that their exp/reputation system will offset most of the problems created by these people. I don't know that I agree but this isn't my site so it's not my call. So for the time being I'm biting my tongue and not engaging them. That means they're going to get the run of the place, but whether or not that's a problem is for the admins to decide.

        Of course, if they do get the run of the place then I won't feel welcome in continuing here.

        • VoyagerXyX

          I feel the same way. For about half the day yesterday I thought to myself >well that was nice while it lasted...

          I'm getting over it but so many of those kind of days in a row and I'll be done.

      • nauthas

        I think our best response to it is to be on the offensive against that type of person. Not respond with vitreol, but instead discourage it. At the end of the day we are a small community, so poison can fill the well easily. The best way to be against this sought of person is to do the opposite of what reddit first did and be actively against this type of behavior instead of watching it and not doing anything. Reddit got corrupt years ago, but no one really cared until the straw broke the camels back, let's not be like that.

        • spaceghoti

          Do you have any specifics you care to offer on how we should go about this? It sounds like a great idea but seeing as this isn't a hivemind, people tend to disagree on how to discourage this attitude.

          • nauthas

            Individuals may do it there own way. You can simply call out someone for being rude, you can create tribes that discourage it, you can shout high and low. In a way individualism is important, however that doesn't mean we can't discourage bad behavior as individuals. A community that rejects that sought of thing on a person-to-person basis is a lot stronger as a result, because one another will help each other (that sounds like the lyrics of a song) and calmer heads will prevail.

            • spaceghoti

              We've been trying to reinforce this as a community but without much success. Perhaps part of the problem is that we can't see who is doing it to confront them. So again, what else can we do?

            • nauthas
              @spaceghoti -

              Obviously I'm just spit-balling here. I'm trying to think of doing something more active against that type of person, however if we all become too active we become the snapzu SRS, which is exactly the opposite of what we want. I haven't seen too much myself, I think it's died down at the moment.

            • spaceghoti
              @nauthas -

              It hasn't. People are still using the downvote button to indicate disagreement. Granted, I tend to post and comment on controversial topics so I put myself in harm's way, but it also puts me in a position to see how often it's happening. It's not an epidemic yet, but it's growing.

            • nauthas
              @spaceghoti -

              Hm? I don't know then. I don't get it too often, but at the same point I recall the admins said they were going to rework the downvoting system (maybe)? Either way it's hard to curve it because the downvotes are anonymous.

            • nauthas
              @spaceghoti -

              Hm? I don't know then. I don't get it too often, but at the same point I recall the admins said they were going to rework the downvoting system (maybe)? Either way it's hard to curve it because the downvotes are anonymous.