  • nauthas
    @spaceghoti -

    Obviously I'm just spit-balling here. I'm trying to think of doing something more active against that type of person, however if we all become too active we become the snapzu SRS, which is exactly the opposite of what we want. I haven't seen too much myself, I think it's died down at the moment.

  • spaceghoti
    @nauthas -

    It hasn't. People are still using the downvote button to indicate disagreement. Granted, I tend to post and comment on controversial topics so I put myself in harm's way, but it also puts me in a position to see how often it's happening. It's not an epidemic yet, but it's growing.

  • nauthas
    @spaceghoti -

    Hm? I don't know then. I don't get it too often, but at the same point I recall the admins said they were going to rework the downvoting system (maybe)? Either way it's hard to curve it because the downvotes are anonymous.

    • nauthas
      @spaceghoti -

      Hm? I don't know then. I don't get it too often, but at the same point I recall the admins said they were going to rework the downvoting system (maybe)? Either way it's hard to curve it because the downvotes are anonymous.