
What are you currently looking forward to?

9 years ago by SuperCyan with 10 comments

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  • spaceghoti

    My first full paycheck from my new job. It's really hard to get ahead when your savings get eaten up by regular intervals of unemployment. Unfortunately, that's the life of a computer contractor.

    • SuperCyan

      I've never really been unemployed (just entered the workforce), but getting that first paycheck is always an amazing feeling.

  • drunkenninja (edited 9 years ago)

    Spending time with my family during the holidays, always great to see people you love but just cant seem to spend time with on a regular basis due to the distance that gets in the way.

  • CrookedTale

    2 weeks of vacation over the holidays! Not going anywhere just staying at home with the fam. Lot's of food, rum, and Christmas music.... hmm.... Christmas music... loaded on Snapzu.... hmmm. Take note this is how bad idea's start.

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