
Snapzu, what is the largest amount of cash you've ever held in your hands?

Today I realized the largest amount of cash I've held is actually relatively small ($1300 when I sold my old motorcycle), despite making plenty of large purchases (cars, wedding) in my life. It got me thinking, I wonder how much cash other people have ever held on to in their actual hands.

So Snapzu... How much, and is there any cool background story to why you were holding cash?

8 years ago by mathematical with 21 comments

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  • picklefingers

    Probably around $500 from working with money at my job. I've always wanted to cash out all of the money from my bank and carry it around in a briefcase.

    • mathematical

      If you ever do that, make sure you wear a suit and handcuff that briefcase to your wrist, because you might as well go all out...

  • drunkenninja

    I believe it was around 500,000 dollars, I'm not sure of the exact amount but it must have been close to that. Sadly, it turned into a pillow soon thereafter and I awoke. On a serious note, it must have been around 12,000 when I sold my car for cash.

  • spaceghoti

    I sold my pickup for $1000. He paid in cash.

  • baron778 (edited 8 years ago)

    $10,000 when I bought in to the WSOP (world series of poker) in 2007. I won the money online in a qualifier for like $40 though but had to take it to Vegas in cash. I lost.

  • VoyagerXyX

    Maybe $1000 bucks one time? I don't really remember. Deposits for old restaurants I used to work for and what not. Even then it wasn't mine. Most that was ever mine in my hands was maybe $500. I don't hold large sums of money in my hands very often haha!

    • mathematical

      I hate carrying cash in public. Anything worth losing makes me think about Murphy's law and picture my cash blowing into a storm drain. The most cash I carry on a semi-regular basis is maybe $200 in bill money.

      • VoyagerXyX

        Generally I don't carry cash at all, I keep a $20 in my wallet most days for emergencies.

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  • emmg (edited 8 years ago)

    When I was about 12, my family took a trip to PEI. For the trip, my dad went to take money out and they gave hime five 1000$ bills (they existed in Canada for a while). He showed them to me...I took them from him and held them, then I proceded to run out the door with the bills screaming "Chui riche! CHUI RICHE!" He didn't think it was very funny.

  • EpochD

    Sold a motorcycle too for $2500, added $500 and got another bike for $3000 :-) what kind of bike did you sell? Mine was an sv650s, sold it for a zx6r

    • mathematical

      I had a beater 1999 R6. Despite needing some carb work and wiring help, that thing was fast. That being said, I made the switch to a cruiser and never looked back. Now I ride a '04 Kawasaki Mean Streak. It's a healthy compromise between comfort and performance.

  • cunt

    The most during work is probably about £5 million

    The most outside of work is probably £1000 - I save money everywhere, socks, books, freezer - i'm a Scotsman

  • stitches

    £650 - I worked at Leeds festival selling programmes and made some decent cash. No exciting story, did get to see Rage Against the Machine though :D

  • Ajwerth

    $50,000 I used to work in a casino bank. When that was all gone I'd have to go get another $50,000.