
Where have you been banned from and why?

8 years ago by aj0690 with 34 comments

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  • 90boss (edited 8 years ago)

    I was banned from all the Casinos for 3 years. My dad had a big gambling addiction a while back and I used to play casual poker and roulette every now and then so I enjoyed it but didn't go there to win. I went with him so that he can ban himself voluntarily but I did the same thing to keep him company through this decision. I ended up signing the forms and haven't been back in 12 years now, neither has he. One of the more important choices in my life. I'm sure that's not the kind of "banned" you had in mind, but it's the only story I got.

  • the7egend

    I got banned from a Planet Fitness (Gym) for using a small 1 1/2 Gallon Gasoline (Petrol) can as a water jug. They said I couldn't use a water jug, I told them it was ok, it's a gasoline jug, they terminated my contract and said to never come back. Gold's Gym is ok with my Gas Jug though. It's just more sturdy than a regular water jug and easier to carry.

    • cheezoncrack

      Has it crossed your mind that its really weird to drink water out of a gas jug?

      • the7egend

        Just a bit, but I'm more of a function over form kind of person, sometimes things that are exceptional for other tasks other than their intended purpose. Plus the jug has a low center of gravity so it won't get knocked over, it's just the best container for the job.

      • folkrav (edited 8 years ago)

        Back when I was going around the local metal scene around here, I remember that the thrash metal band Reanimator's vocalist (used to?) drink water out of a gas jug while on stage. Was kind of their signature while they were beginning!

  • Najos

    I got banned from a bar for my friend being black. Okay, that's not entirely accurate. There's a small bar in a hipster part of my town that caters to college kids from a nearby private university and young professionals in the area. I was with a bunch of coworkers, we all worked in another bar. One of them was a black guy from Chicago (this all happened in the deep South) and probably the only black guy to walk through the doors of that place in a while. We'll call him Newton. Anyway, none of us really thought anything of it because why would we?

    We all had a habit of slapping each other on the ass, guys and girls, and my friend Newton did it to one of my female coworkers while she was flirting with some guy. The guy she was talking to got fucking irate and tried to start a fight with Newton. I was sitting at a table across the room, probably 50ft away, watching this happen. The staff separated the guys and kicked Newton out, so I was getting up to settle my tab and leave with him. Well, the bartender came over before I could and told me we all had to leave and we shouldn't ever come back. The other guy, the one who really started all the shit, got to stay. However, all of the people who came in with Newton were kicked out and banned. I still go there sometimes, though; they don't even recognize me.

  • Gozzin

    A sub Reddit because /I said muslims were not a race,but a religion. The admin decided I was wrong ,banned me .

    • folkrav

      I know a larger community means there will eventually have some admins around here, but for now, I really, really don't miss them...

  • LucidBlueEye

    I was banned from r/shitredditsays for defending reason. SRS is no place for reason.

    • cheezoncrack

      I remember when I was new to reddit they didnt have a good subreddit description, and I ended up subscribing because I thought it was a subreddit meant to catalogue funny jokes made on reddit to be read in one place for connivence.

    • nauthas

      Welcome to,SRS the subreddit where the rules are made up and the bannings don't matter. Relevant

    • jmcs (edited 8 years ago)

      SRS is no place for reason.

      You needed to comment there to figure it out?

  • cunt (edited 8 years ago)

    I got banned from the local police headquarters and the local council headquarters.

    When you work permanent nightshift and the council decides to do work 7am-6pm Monday to Saturday for 9 months to make the high rise you stay in look prettier you have to find somewhere to sleep. I did request a move but was told this wasn't possible and that I should get another job.

    Ended up sleeping in the disused tunnels of a multi-story car park, on a camp bed - accessed through un-alarmed doors

    • Qukatt

      " council decides to do work 7am-6pm Monday to Saturday for 9 months to make the high rise you stay in look prettier "

      Bullcrap, there's nothing can be done in that city to make it prettier (except maybe a nuke). They made a good effort pulling down the old council offices but aren't they building some new even more fugly thing in it's place?

      • cunt

        Aberdeen is completely fucked just now. The council are the most corrupt in Scotland. They are building hotels and cinemas and things there with a tiny park. The original plans included pedestrianising Broad Street but once the plans were passed this part was changed.

        I was recently in Dundee and it is absolutely lovely. Aberdonians hate Dundee because they are jealous.

  • nauthas

    Not banned but I got thrown out of a pub one time because I drank too much all you can drink coffee and refused to pay for extra coffee.

    • hallucigenia

      Wait...if it's "all you can drink", how can they charge you extra?

      • nauthas

        That's exactly why I refused to pay. Apparently I must have hit over my all-you-can-drink boundary or something? I did have a lot of coffee.

  • Qukatt (edited 8 years ago)

    Snapchat for using a third party app. they said to make a new account using their official app and I said to make an official app for windows phone or suck it up.

    Edit: also Subway for bring a competitor's sandwich bag in while i waited for friends to pick up their lunch. It's not even a chain competitor, just a wee local sandwich shop round the corner that made far better food for less money.

    and also Games Workshop. Because they're dicktongued cockwombles who deserve all the kickings they get in life.

  • Shinyegg

    I was banned from the strip club because I was drunk and being crazy. I even tried to get on stage. The worst part was , the club didn't even serve alcohol.

  • racerxonclar

    I was banned from a gaming community I had been apart of for 3 years. Friend in the same community got banned for posting a hysterical video of a squirrel getting slingshotted across a fence by a surprise trap. Admins deemed it "too violent"...because harmlessly flingling squirrels across a fence is serious business...when we're a gaming community centered around Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142. Flying squirrels > C4, tanks, and murdering people in mass.

    I got into an argument with the admins over their decision, pointed out how stupid the logic was, and was banned because I cussed them out over it. If I recall correctly, I used the word "hell"...and she just stopped listening to anything I had to say, which only made me madder, then I was banned. Nothing quite like admins on a power trip to create a "friendly environment" where a youtube video and a handful of medium grade swear words are the most dangerous things in the universe.

  • RoMS (edited 8 years ago)

    Got banned from a few RPG communities for denouncing mismanagement from the mods/Admins, pointing out favoritism and power-trippers, and highlighting toxic behaviours from said people over new entrants.

    I also was "banned" (aka rejected) from a music conservatory for not following "orders" enough.

    I was banned from a few DayZ servers too for playing the "good Samaritan", dropping weapons (with cheats ofc) to people being on by bandits in Elektro.

    I also banned myself (yes you read that well) from a forum where I was a mod just to see if it was possible. Fun times.

  • BucksinSixxx

    A bar & grill my parents used to eat at because I dropped too many glasses when I was a clumsy 8 year old.

  • RoamingGnome

    I got banned from /r/politics for being a dick. I don't care. Usernames are easy to come by.

    • spaceghoti

      That isn't difficult to do. I got banned from /r/politics because I kept calling them out for their inconsistent moderation and requesting a public discussion on policy.

      Then a bunch of the conservative mods were tossed out and they let me back in. But they're still highly inconsistent in their moderation.

      • nauthas

        It's strange that reddit has such conservative mods in some areas and rabidly progressive ones in others. Moderators need to understand what they are for- publicizing and maintaining a subreddit/tribe/forum. Moderators can argue and participate but they should have no say in what's "deemed worthy" beyond what the rules state.

        • spaceghoti

          Thanks to thrice-bedamned places like /r/TheoryofReddit, the favored opinion is that moderators are supposed to explicitly decide and enforce "quality" on forums where they moderate. Doing that to /r/atheism caused a major split, and is when I started looking for possible reddit alternatives. I'm sad that it took me two years to find this place.

          In my one major foray into moderation I took special care to engage with the users and follow their wishes rather than impose my own. Oh, I admitted to having my own agenda but I clearly spelled out what I was aiming for and that I would abide by consensus rather than moderate by fiat. Which I did. We discussed what was and wasn't going to be done, and even people who didn't win the votes acknowledged that at least they got heard.

          It's a hell of a lot of work.

          • nauthas (edited 8 years ago)

            Moderation can go from anywhere between a nightmare to a wonderful experience depending on whether the rules are properly layed out and everyone is in it together. The best way to avoid a community from going toxic is just to bring in an influx of users against toxic behaviour. /r/Atheism became the new atheism plus. just like /r/anarchism turned crap (and banned me when I questioned it) they hired a new mod who said "Anarchism is a social movement that seeks liberation from oppressive systems of control including but not limited to the state, capitalism, racism, sexism, speciesism, and religion." Which is not what I see as the definition of anarchism at all. Then they began banning people for questioning the mods. This is simple to me- if people start questioning the mods, figure it out, don't ignore them.

            • hallucigenia

              /r/Athiesm became the new athiesm plus.

              Everybody complains about /r/atheism (the i goes after the e), but I just don't see what they're complaining about. I see a much different community there. Maybe it's because I'm an atheist.

              Anyway, I have to disagree with you. /r/atheism is not the new Atheism+. In fact, Atheism+ has their own sub-reddit, thankyouverymuch. A+ has always been a niche. They have so many speech codes and ideologies that it's difficult to become accepted by them. As a result, they have a very small community. They're like the PeTA of liberal atheism. Even people who in principle agree with them want to stay far away, because they're crazy. I think it's an interesting case study in how a community can go wrong. They turned so toxic so quickly that even their founder wanted nothing to do with them.

            • nauthas
              @hallucigenia -

              Thanks, I fixed the late night spelling error.

              I guess we agree to disagree. I only was there for a little amount of time, in which I didn't like what I saw so maybe I was there on a bad day? I've got to admit most of that point was hear-say from what my friends told me. "Atheism+ has their own sub-reddit, thankyouverymuch" Yeah but that really doesn't say much. Just because there already is a sub-reddit for a thing doesn't mean there can't be another sub-reddit about the same thing. Also, no need to be rude. I'm not going to comment on the rest of what you say, because I think we agree about Atheism plus. I think for sake of the point it's best to say I'm an Agnostic (or Atheist-Agnostic if you are one of the people that shout at me for saying I'm an Agnostic).

            • hallucigenia
              @nauthas -

              No worries. I don't know why people would shout at you for calling yourself an "agnostic". The irritating thing is when people say "I'm an agnostic, not an atheist." (As if the two were incompatible, which they aren't.)

            • nauthas
              @hallucigenia -

              Thanks. Some people tell me that there is no such thing as Agnostic and it is all just Atheist. Most of them religious people who like to instill the "your with us or against us, and if your against us your going to hell!", luckily that's not all religious people and instead just a very, very vocal minority.

  • fewt

    I was given a lifetime ban from Wikipedia for updating my project's release notes and version number. They claimed I was advertising, but in reality it was just editing release information. The best part is that it would have been OK had I been using some other handle and not my real one to do it.