  • nauthas
    @hallucigenia -

    Thanks, I fixed the late night spelling error.

    I guess we agree to disagree. I only was there for a little amount of time, in which I didn't like what I saw so maybe I was there on a bad day? I've got to admit most of that point was hear-say from what my friends told me. "Atheism+ has their own sub-reddit, thankyouverymuch" Yeah but that really doesn't say much. Just because there already is a sub-reddit for a thing doesn't mean there can't be another sub-reddit about the same thing. Also, no need to be rude. I'm not going to comment on the rest of what you say, because I think we agree about Atheism plus. I think for sake of the point it's best to say I'm an Agnostic (or Atheist-Agnostic if you are one of the people that shout at me for saying I'm an Agnostic).

  • hallucigenia
    @nauthas -

    No worries. I don't know why people would shout at you for calling yourself an "agnostic". The irritating thing is when people say "I'm an agnostic, not an atheist." (As if the two were incompatible, which they aren't.)

    • nauthas
      @hallucigenia -

      Thanks. Some people tell me that there is no such thing as Agnostic and it is all just Atheist. Most of them religious people who like to instill the "your with us or against us, and if your against us your going to hell!", luckily that's not all religious people and instead just a very, very vocal minority.