  • racerxonclar

    I was banned from a gaming community I had been apart of for 3 years. Friend in the same community got banned for posting a hysterical video of a squirrel getting slingshotted across a fence by a surprise trap. Admins deemed it "too violent"...because harmlessly flingling squirrels across a fence is serious business...when we're a gaming community centered around Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142. Flying squirrels > C4, tanks, and murdering people in mass.

    I got into an argument with the admins over their decision, pointed out how stupid the logic was, and was banned because I cussed them out over it. If I recall correctly, I used the word "hell"...and she just stopped listening to anything I had to say, which only made me madder, then I was banned. Nothing quite like admins on a power trip to create a "friendly environment" where a youtube video and a handful of medium grade swear words are the most dangerous things in the universe.