  • Crator

    Explaining that in words is far to challenging. I ended up doing it by accident. But here is a video.

    • bogdan

      I followed this comment and reached all the way to trying to whistle. Nope, still can't. I did however almost faint. Sigh

      • Crator

        I can make a whistling sound if I hold it for several seconds. But I can not whistle any tune without losing the sound on the 2nd blow.

      • drunkenninja (edited 8 years ago)

        I too am absolutely horrible at whistling, I cant seem to make any noise at all. I did get a distant dog to start barking every time I tried to whistle, but that may have been a coincidence.

      • MyUserName

        Oooohhh.. I've never fainted, can you post a video on how-to. plz?

        • bogdan

          Haha. Try to not whistle for as long as you can.

        • MyUserName
          @bogdan -

          I can not whistle for weeks though. I'm even not whistling now.

        • bogdan
          @MyUserName -

          You're just not not whistling hard enough.

        • MyUserName
          @bogdan -

          There's only so much not whistling a man can do. If I not whistled any harder I'd create a vacuum and destroy the planet.