
What is something generally considered common knowledge that you did not learn until recently?

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I realized that you don't need to put on as much toothpaste on your toothbrush as they show in commercials. Turns out its just a ploy to make you use up your toothpaste at a much quicker rate. A dab as large as much as 2 water droplets is enough.

9 years ago by spacepopper with 50 comments

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Conversation 6 comments by 5 users
  • drunkenninja

    Great idea for a post!

    Because you mentioned brushing, it's also time saving to brush your teeth in the shower! I have a little basket for my brush and toothpaste. I personally put shampoo in my hair and then brush for 3 min while the shampoo does it's job. After I'm done, I simply rinse my head and go on to the next thing saving myself on average of 3-4 min of bathroom duties daily. Keeping your tooth brush in the shower also adds another barrier between your toothbrush and the toilet which can be good at saving your brush from unwanted particles while flushing. There... 2 in 1 :D

    • nxthesky

      I too brush my teeth in the shower in the morning and it saves a lot of time. Especially since I usually wake up with little time to spare before I have to be somewhere. I don't recommend flossing in the shower though.

      • Amabaie

        My daughter is asking for her breakfast in the shower these days. Well, if she can do that, I suppose I can brush in the shower.

      • alapseofsanity

        People thought I was so weird for doing this for years. They just cannot comprehend how superior it is to brush in the shower.

      • drunkenninja

        Yep that's a whole nother ordeal!

    • spacepopper

      You learn something every day!

  • zyery (edited 9 years ago)

    The fuel indicator in your car always has a little pump icon with a handle on either the left or the right side (sometimes even an arrow). The side where the pump handle is located is the side your gas tank flap is on. So next time you're in a rental or someone else's car just check this gauge and you won't need to get out and search for it.

    • spaceghoti

      I'm always rediscovering this. I learned it a little over ten years ago but I'm still constantly pausing to wonder which side of the car I'll find the flap. I'm ashamed to admit I get it wrong more often than I'd like.

      • manix

        Sometimes I do that in my own car LOL.

    • RevDiesel

      My fuel indicator has an arrow telling which side of the car the gas tank is on.

    • Amabaie

      You would think that would be common knowledge, but after all these years, this is the first time I heard that. Of course, I normally drive my own car.

    • AdelleChattre

      Often, but not always, true.

      • drunkenninja

        I figure even if it isn't always true it's still better than taking the 50/50 approach :)

      • Kysol

        When it doesn't have an icon you can go by the side the actual fuel indicator is on I've been told.

  • Downer

    I learned that while shaving, if I swallow and "hold", my adam's apple flattens out and it's a lot easier to shave it. My dad acted like everyone knew that, I guess he forgot to clue me in.

    • drunkenninja

      Holy shit, I don't really have a large adam's apple but I tried what you said and the thing did hide. Very cool.

    • MyUserName

      This is excellent, now I don't have to worry about slitting my throat... as much.

  • aj0690 (edited 9 years ago)

    Damaged/warped brake disks don't always have to be replaced, locate a shop that can "skim" your disks and most of the time you will successfully resolve the problem. Skimming your disks can be significantly cheaper than buying a set of new ones. Most shops do it for less than 20 bucks each.

  • canuck

    Santa doesn't exist :(

    • 96vs

      I just spent way too long trying convince myself that a time traveling alien with a some sort of black-hole for a sack and robotic reindeer could exist just to prove you wrong. Then I thought about the complete lack of random presents I have received and made myself sad.

  • nxthesky

    This might be more of a LPT than common knowledge, but in the past year I've recently noticed that all my (men's) shirts have tags on the inside near the waist. If you are putting on a shirt and notice the inside tag is on your left then you know your shirt is going to be facing the right way. I hope I explained this clearly and properly. It's really nice to not have to examine my shirt first to make sure it's facing the right way before I put it on, just notice the tag is in the right place and boom.

  • RevDiesel (edited 9 years ago)

    That, in firefox, Ctrl+T opens a new tab, Ctrl+Shift+T opens the last closed tab, Ctrl+W closes current tab, and so much more.

    Here's the chrome shortcuts

    • jedlicka

      These are great.

      On Windows I also like the CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to quickly open the task manager. I used to always do the entire CRTL+ALT+DEL route that took 4 times as long.

      • Kysol

        Saint and Saviour. Not enough up-votes can be given.

  • alapseofsanity

    Not me, but my girlfriend's friend didn't know that elephants were herbivores. Her response to being told otherwise was, "well how do they get so fucking big?!"

  • weekendhobo

    The tune to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is the same as the alphabet song.

  • Crator

    How to snap my fingers. At 24 years old only figured out how to a year ago.

    • drunkenninja

      How do you snap your fingers? :D

      • Crator

        Explaining that in words is far to challenging. I ended up doing it by accident. But here is a video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo3cKxlkQZc

        • bogdan

          I followed this comment and reached all the way to trying to whistle. Nope, still can't. I did however almost faint. Sigh

          • Crator

            I can make a whistling sound if I hold it for several seconds. But I can not whistle any tune without losing the sound on the 2nd blow.

          • drunkenninja (edited 9 years ago)

            I too am absolutely horrible at whistling, I cant seem to make any noise at all. I did get a distant dog to start barking every time I tried to whistle, but that may have been a coincidence.

          • MyUserName

            Oooohhh.. I've never fainted, can you post a video on how-to. plz?

            • bogdan

              Haha. Try to not whistle for as long as you can.

            • MyUserName
              @bogdan -

              I can not whistle for weeks though. I'm even not whistling now.

            • bogdan
              @MyUserName -

              You're just not not whistling hard enough.

            • MyUserName
              @bogdan -

              There's only so much not whistling a man can do. If I not whistled any harder I'd create a vacuum and destroy the planet.

  • Espeon

    "Disqus," the comment service, is not pronounced like the track and field event but like the word "discuss"...I literally facepalmed