  • idlethreat

    Wow, we certainly have a lot of spiders in our houses

    1. I woke up once swatting at a spider in my sleep. It ended up biting me in the face, a little below my left eye. I really didn't notice the bit until later in the day, when the area got swollen. My face numbed up, and I think that I got a staph infection from it. Took weeks for it to heal and I now have a little divot in my left cheek where the bite was. Terrible experience. Would not recommend.

    2. Another time I was sleeping in on a Sunday morning. Rolled over on the remote control, which cheerfully flipped on the TV and cranked it at full volume. I distinctly recall waking up roughly 2 feet above the bed, madly thrashing out at whatever was making the loud noises. After landing back on the bed, I scooted down to the foot of the bed, got wrapped up in the covers, tripped, and brained myself against the wall. By then I was awake. Unwrapped myself from the covers, figured out the remote, threw it in the floor, and went back to sleep

    3. I once dreamed the phone was ringing off the hook. It was sitting across the room. Since it was a dream, I braced my feet against the mattress, kicked off into the air, and hit the phone with my head. The phone landed in the floor. Since I didn't have arms, I stood over it, screaming "hello?!", and waiting for a response. It wasn't until the second time I yelled "hello" that I realized it wasn't a dream, and I was standing, yelling at the phone in the floor... And my head really hurt a lot.

    Eh, all I have at the moment. I'm pretty dangerous when I wake up.

    • drunkenninja

      Dude, you shouldn't sleep. You may hurt someone :D

    • spacepopper

      Do you know the kind of spider that bit you? Were you able to locate it after you awoke?