  • PushPull

    I had one who I was platonic with, zero romantic interest, and had set up to get her to L.A. for an event of mutual interest. I had to pull strings, pay for event and plane tickets. Hell, I even arranged the damn ride to the airport. Night before, I get a call saying that she can't make it. I offered to come get her an have her stay at my place so she could ride with me to the airport, but she was absolutely insistent that she couldn't go. When I pressed for details, she wouldn't offer any. I went, had some fun, and the next time I saw her, asked her what that was about, and she sheepishly admitted that she had agreed to go on a date with a guy and felt that this wasn't as important. I then presented her with a breakdown of what she owed me (as we had previously agreed upon), not including my time. It was something like $300 and change that I had paid for out of my own pocket back in the mid-90's. Her response? "Oh, how about I give you a few haircuts for free?"

    Yeah, no thanks. Have a nice life.