
You are given a year off and $50,000. What do you do with the time and money?

8 years ago by 8mm with 26 comments

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  • PushPull

    Unfortunately, taking a year off with $50K leaves me in the hole. I guess I'd keep working and pay off bills with the money....

  • massani

    Invest, invest, invest! Also, maybe take a quick trip somewhere abroad.

  • Triseult

    I was in exactly that situation in 2009. Unexpected windfall and took a year off. I travelled the world for a year with my girlfriend as a result... Visited Japan, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, India, Turkey, and the Middle East.

    It was truly life-changing. Best decision I ever made, and much better than buying stuff of any kind with that money. As a result of this, I became a "digital nomad," decided to pursue my dream career of writing, and have lived in Thailand, India, Sorry Korea and Mexico since then.

  • spaceghoti

    Finally finish that damned novel.

    • secretcity

      Have you ever considered participating in National Novel Writing Month? Doing so might help you finish it before some kind stranger gifts you 50k :)

      • spaceghoti

        I have. I usually get a few thousand words into it before life smacks me upside the head and forces me to focus on paying the bills again. At that point all my energy gets sucked into resolving whatever new crisis has come up.

    • Wenjarich

      Oooh, what's your novel about? What genre is it?

      • spaceghoti

        Science fiction, with a slight nod toward Asimov's Empire novels. It focuses on the challenges faced by an independent trader forced to adapt when things don't always go as planned.

        • Wenjarich

          Sounds pretty cool! If ever you need a proof reader I'm happy to help :P Although I'm not great with grammar and spelling so it would be purely just testing how awesome ghe story is :D

          • spaceghoti

            I appreciate the offer. Feedback from alpha readers has been positive, but what I really need is an editor to help me pare down the word count. A typical chapter runs between 15-30k words. I'm going to have to break the story into a trilogy.

            • Wenjarich

              Oh wow, it sounds like a pretty serious story. It's times like this that I wish snapzu had the remind me bot that reddit has so I cluld remind myself in a year or two where I can buy your book :D goodluck finishing it :)

            • Qukatt

              if you need an editor I can hook you up. I seem to have fallen in with an authoring crowd xD

            • spaceghoti
              @Qukatt -

              If you're teasing I'm going to be very sad.

            • Qukatt
              @spaceghoti -

              I never tease about worky business things. I will make enquiries or just introduce you straight to some of the crowd?

  • cunt

    Buy a cheap house with land in Spain and do it up whilst learning Spanish by immersion

  • BucksinSixxx

    Pay off my car, student debt, travel across the US.

  • Civil

    Continue writing some of the stories I've been jotting down notes for, continue practicing Ruby/Python/C#, spend more time with friends and family. Mostly stuff I'm already doing now, just more of it.

  • frohawk

    Invest that moola and continue in my trade school.

  • SevenTales

    I'm buying a small sailboat and sailing across the world, while finishing up my novel. Aww yeah.

  • Qukatt

    stay home with the kids another year and not feel bad about spending money on them/myself. And pay for our first holidays away as a family

  • lostwonder

    I'll still work, but use that money to pay off a loan.

  • hereorthere

    I can live a year on half that amount, so I would save some of it and use the time and money to complete university/college.

  • Odin

    I'll travel around the world and visit all the spots I always wanted to see.

  • burpface

    Getting away from the cube farm for a year? I would hide in my basement, and do nothing but grow out my neck beard.

  • Winterstyrm (edited 8 years ago)

    Sad enough. it would just be enough to pay off my parents debts and mine. Then would have to find a way to replace my car..... :( 50,000 is not much anymore. Also would just to go back to work and save the year for early retirement...

    • Krostybat

      You can get a reliable used car for 2,3 grand. Choose wisely. And being debt free seems like a good news ! 50.000 isn't that bad after all ;)