  • spaceghoti

    I appreciate the offer. Feedback from alpha readers has been positive, but what I really need is an editor to help me pare down the word count. A typical chapter runs between 15-30k words. I'm going to have to break the story into a trilogy.

    • Wenjarich

      Oh wow, it sounds like a pretty serious story. It's times like this that I wish snapzu had the remind me bot that reddit has so I cluld remind myself in a year or two where I can buy your book :D goodluck finishing it :)

    • Qukatt

      if you need an editor I can hook you up. I seem to have fallen in with an authoring crowd xD

    • spaceghoti
      @Qukatt -

      If you're teasing I'm going to be very sad.

    • Qukatt
      @spaceghoti -

      I never tease about worky business things. I will make enquiries or just introduce you straight to some of the crowd?