Text Post: Why do you still use Facebook? posted by 8mm
  • twoBits (edited 8 years ago)

    Personally, I no longer use Facebook, I deleted my account almost a year ago..But, I know some family and friends who do. My mother claims she uses it to feel connected since she doesn't get out much. She had a horrible habit of re-posting religious garbage all the time. Actually, many people I was friends with would post crap like that, religion, politics, what they had for breakfast. I think those types of things are what drove me away.

    I feel like many people use it to stay connected or just lurking on peoples posts/walls (my wife) out of pure habit. Sorry, this was a post about "Why I still use Facebook?" I just felt like venting since I hate Facebook so much. It was such a waste of time for me.

    • mcsmitheslc

      Right there with you. Facebook is awful as are the original people behind it.