
What is a quality / skill that you believe sets you apart from anyone else?

*Sets you apart from most people, rather.

Is there something you're particularly good at? Let us know!


I've been told that I learn foreign languages really easily. I have realized this as I'm now learning German and I could remember words and they kept popping up in my mouth during conversations with my teacher without even realizing it. Not sure if it's actually true, but I do feel like it comes a bit easy to me when comparing myself to the guys in my class.

8 years ago by bogdan with 24 comments

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Conversation 7 comments by 6 users
  • Splitfish

    I can eat really fast.

    • ttubravesrock

      I am always the last person to finish eating. unless it's a hot dog. I can't just put a hot dog down because in settings where I'm eating hot dogs, there is never a table or plate. Once it's in my hands, especially if there is chili on it, it gets consumed. When I'm at a table eating dinner, I never hold the silverware except when it is being used to deliver food to my face. I put it down and completely chew whatever I'm eating then take a drink or two of water before my next bite.

      • aj0690

        I too am a slow eater. I like to take extra time to savor the taste, and just make sure it goes down well. A couple of times I had to eat in a hurry and always had stomach pain after.

    • tehdiplomat

      Will you be on TV on Saturday?

      • Splitfish

        Nature Channel? Possibly. Competitive eating? No.

    • [Deleted Profile]

      [This comment was removed]

    • drunkenninja

      I guess eating really fast has its uses... it saves time for one :D

  • spaceghoti

    I firmly believe that my talent for snark and derisive ripostes is second to none.

    • bogdan

      And you're not British?

      • spaceghoti

        Sadly, no. I feel I would fit into British society beautifully, though.

  • drunkenninja

    Great ability to have, especially when you're stuck somewhere foreign and need to learn the language to live comfortably.

    • bogdan

      Thanks. I do believe that is partially because I'm merely learning Indo-European languages, which are all pretty much the same. I already know some French and Spanish on top of English and my native language, so it becomes slightly easier to make associations with the words of a new language. I think it would be much harder if I were to learn, say, Cantonese.

      What about you? I'm really curious to know what you are good at!

      • drunkenninja (edited 8 years ago)

        I seem to a keen sense for algorithms and solving problems by creating effective solutions requiring the least amount of human effort, although many of them are based on interaction. Generally there are people good at math, but not many really focus on this specific subject so I guess I'm good at it by default :D

        • bogdan

          Not bad. Some would call it laziness, but I'd rather say it's "setting a standard of self-comfort". Right?

          • drunkenninja

            Something like that! When there is only so much you can do in a given day due time constraints, you start thinking about how to use the time you do have as effectively as possible to accomplish the most tasks. I guess you can call it "laziness", but the end results is to do more and not less.

  • idlethreat

    For me, I don't have one particular skill that I'm excellent at, but instead a huge toolset finely honed to figuring things out. I love delving into completely mysterious stuff and make it work. Lots of my skills are centered around IT, but it doesn't limit me. I'm just as happy programming, soldering electronics, rebuilding carburetors, planning a seige, hunting, whatever the task is. When it comes to view, I think Heinlein said it best:

    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. -Robert A. Heinlein

    • drunkenninja

      You need to come camping with us next time we set off :D

  • i208khonsu (edited 8 years ago)

    I can eat a full burrito from Chipotle and down it with a large cup of coffee and not blow out my colon.

  • Gozzin

    Reading non verbal language in animals, art and playing musical instruments.

  • ttubravesrock

    Quality: Try as hard as you want. Unless you do something to my wife or dogs, you cannot make me mad or offended.

    Skill: My hands are a better defroster than the car's defroster.

  • Harold

    Tasting different flavours in food and in particular, coffee. There is a big downside to this, I've turned into a coffee snob and feel pretentious when I judge somebody by the coffee they have in their house.

    • damninance

      So whats the "best" everyman's coffee in your opinion? The worst?

  • Insomn

    Have a really weird interest in software compiler design, I wrote a close-to-useless Ruby interpreter whilst at Uni, then wrote a SQL-like interpreter for laughs that used "providers" to search Google or any compatible APIs (RubyGems, Github etc) using SQL, e.g. "SELECT 'title' FROM Google, Twitter, Snapzu WHERE 'author' IS 'Insomn'".

    Turns out it wasn't actually very useful, but it kept me entertained.

  • Nautilus (edited 8 years ago)

    I have an excellent internal clock, even while sleeping. I never set alarms because I can predict time within a few minutes after going hours without checking a clock. If I need to wake up at a particular time, I can wake up reasonably close to that time without an alarm.