Viewing steamworkstoad's Snapzine

  • 1.
    10 years ago
    by rizzardcore

    Metal Gear Solid and the Tuskegee Experiment

    Welcome back to Gaming For Official Use Only.  Since we just had Halloween week here at the Rebellion, I thought it would be fun to explore more horror related conspiracies.  Now, I could have gone for any of the various conspiracies involving the supernatural, but I’d rather stay with something plausible. As I considered the myriad of conspiracies I could cover, it made me think of what actually makes things scary in horror fiction.  This led me to the topic of “science gone wrong.”  

  • 2.
    10 years ago
    by KondoR

    Just Cause 3 Revealed

    We got several hours of hands-on time with Avalanche Studios' latest wild, open world game for our latest cover story. It’s been more than four long years since Swedish developer Avalanche Studios released the outrageous open-world game Just Cause 2. Players gravitated to gunfights atop moving vehicles, the versatile parachute, and the innovative tether that could link nearly any two objects, humans, or a combination of the two.

    Posted in: by KondoR
  • 3.
    10 years ago
    by KondoR

    Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

    Just as Jesus of Nazareth was asked to answer to claims of his divinity, so too does Dragon Age: Inquisition ask you to respond to rumors of your own godhood. As the game opens, you tumble from a rift in the sky, from which onlookers also see a glimpse of a woman. Many believe that the woman must be Andraste, the prophet whose doctrine inspired the rise of the Chantry, yet you have no memory of the event.

    Posted in: by KondoR
  • 4.
    10 years ago
    by doodlegirl

    You can spend $99.99 on Assassin's Creed Unity's new in-game currency

    Assassin's Creed Unity features a new alternate in-game currency used to unlock in-game upgrades, and it can be bought for real-world money in amounts up to $99.99. The purchase of "Helix Credits," doesn't appear to be available on all platforms yet, and seems to have gone live overnight with Assassin's Creed Unity's launch in North America.

  • 5.
    Current Event
    10 years ago
    by paraguy

    Inventor Of 'Operation' Game Can't Afford Real-Life Operation

    John Spinello earned a small spot in pop culture history 50 years ago when he invented Operation, the battery-powered game that lets kids play surgeon. But now, the 77-year-old Illinois man needs $25,000 in oral surgery and can't afford to pay fo...

    Posted in: by paraguy
  • 6.
    10 years ago
    by greengabe

    Stop Buying DLC

    To really understand the vastness of the Video Games industry, you need to know some numbers. $22.2 billion annually in North America alone. Hundreds of millions of players worldwide. Million-dollar prize pools. International sales projected to double the film industry. The mainstream has grabbed ahold of Video Games and will never let go.

  • 7.
    10 years ago
    by rizzardcore

    Ask Riley – Scariest Game Halloween Special

    Happy Halloween. For this spookiest of holidays, Riley let’s us know what the scariest game she ever saw me play. The answer, which was completely uncoached, astounded even me! She’s seen me play some pretty frightening titles.

  • 8.
    10 years ago
    by giblue

    NVIDIA TurfEffects

    NVIDIA Turf Effects is a new NVIDIA GameWorks technology which empowers users to simulate and render massive grass simulation with physical interaction. Our grass technology provides a fully geometrical representation. Grass blades can be represented with a resolution as low as 3 triangles to several 100 triangles per blade by using continuous level of detail. This allows millions of grass blades to be simulated.

  • 9.
    Current Event
    10 years ago
    by rizzardcore

    Disney's Fantasia's new life as a video game

    Nearly 75 years after Fantasia premiered, Disney's dream of creating an immersive musical experience has been realised and updated in a way he could never have imagined. Fantasia: Music Evolved is a new video game that aims to channel the spirit of the source material, using the latest in gaming technology.

  • 10.
    10 years ago
    by drunkenninja

    Happiest gaming memory?

    The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was an attempt to change the subject from GamerGate and 2014’s poor crop of new releases. Instead we wanted to hear about your most enjoyable video game memories, whether recent or long ago. Thankfully the subject seemed to touch a chord with people, and we plenty of letters in describing everything from the first time you ever played a game to gaming sessions that led to lifelong friendships. Because video games are great like that.

  • 11.
    10 years ago
    by alucarus

    A Pokémon - Misty Cosplay

    Cosplayer: Thunderbolt // Photo: Emma Meow

    Posted in: by alucarus