10 years ago
Happiest gaming memory?
The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was an attempt to change the subject from GamerGate and 2014’s poor crop of new releases. Instead we wanted to hear about your most enjoyable video game memories, whether recent or long ago. Thankfully the subject seemed to touch a chord with people, and we plenty of letters in describing everything from the first time you ever played a game to gaming sessions that led to lifelong friendships. Because video games are great like that.
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For me it was the time my bro an I had to walk 3 kilometers in the snow in December to rent the Nintendo 64 for the first time, all the units were sold out (even though it was already 2 months or so after release). When we got there, it was the last unit available, and they held it for us (which was crazy because at the time it was extremely popular). When we finally got home, we hooked it up and spent 4 full days playing Mario 64. One of the best times ever.
I remember getting the new SNES as a kid and playing Mario all night. Great times.
Ah ya I remember that exact moment when I got mine. It was chrismas too.