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Published 8 years ago by spaceghoti with 6 Comments

IMPORTANT - Save The Day

The world's biggest celebrities explain why it is Important that you vote on November 8!


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  • spaceghoti

    "No down vote reasons were selected by any users."

    Found the Trumpkin!

  • leweb

    Ok, here's the thing. I absolutely dread the idea of Donald Trump becoming president of the US. I have seen crazy people get to power in my previous home country before, and I see a lot of the same frightening stuff going on here, and it does make me very nervous. Having said that, Hollywood celebrities are easily the worst group of people (except maybe Washington politicians) to be telling me to not vote for Trump. Hollywood has been systematically manipulating the political system in their favor for decades, abusing copyright laws, and doing everything in their hands (including, no, especially bribing politicians) to squash any possible competition in the entertainment business. This is exactly the sort of thing that has given Trump the momentum he has. If anything, they should be making videos asking for forgiveness and talking about how fucked up their behavior has been, but I guess they're too proud to do that.

    Sorry folks, but you don't have any moral authority to do this. I don't care how famous you are.

  • Qukatt

    .... now i wish i could vote for a ruffalo full frontal

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