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Published 8 years ago by spaceghoti with 7 Comments
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  • ChaseWhitfield

    I'm sorry, but I have a hard time taking anything Elizabeth Warren says about "fairness" in employment seriously. This is a woman who, for years, lied about her ancestry in order to get ahead, screwing other people out of jobs along the way. She has zero credibility on this issue.

    All that aside, as a business owner, I think credit checks should be limited to positions where such information would be relevant to the job in question.

    • spaceghoti

      I'm sorry, but I have a hard time taking anything Elizabeth Warren says about "fairness" in employment seriously. This is a woman who, for years, lied about her ancestry in order to get ahead, screwing other people out of jobs along the way. She has zero credibility on this issue.

      Well, it's good to know that you're a fan of "fair and balanced" news.

      • ChaseWhitfield

        Oh. so you're one of "those people"? Any news you don't like, or that doesn't fit your narrative, you try to paint it with the Fox News brush. Good to know.

        • spaceghoti

          Yes, I'm one of "those people" who doesn't buy into false conservative narratives.

          • ChaseWhitfield

            Right, you simply buy into false liberal narratives.

            Are you seriously accusing sources like The Boston Globe of being conservative mouthpieces? Or is it your argument that Elizabeth Warren herself is a conservative hack?

            Your particular flavor of Kool-aid may come from the opposite end of the political spectrum as the Fox News crowd, but that doesn't make you any less fanatical, or any less wrong.

    • ttubravesrock

      good conversation you two had. Not sure it accomplished much, but I agree. The only time a business has a right to do a credit check on one of their employees is if they are going to have a company credit card in their name or if they have signatory authority to make and receive payments on behalf of the company.

      I'm not sure how widespread this is. Asking around my office, none of use have ever had a credit check run on us for work here or at any other job. Our ages range from 19-80.

      • ChaseWhitfield

        I had heard of this before, but I've never experienced it personally, from either side. I just don't see the benefit for doing it for most positions, but apparently even Walmart asks for a credit check now as a part of their hiring process.

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