• whyruslacking

    I really hope Rand Paul doesn't get buried by what's going on with Donald Trump. I'm really not a fan of Bernie Sanders but it's because he's a socialist and I really don't think that would be great for America. I want less government in our lives, and less taxes. By the way have you heard Rands idea for a flat tax? That's better any day than super high taxes which will happen with Sanders. There was a reason America succeeded from Britain.

    • spaceghoti

      I'm really not a fan of Bernie Sanders but it's because he's a socialist and I really don't think that would be great for America.

      What do you think socialism is?

      I want less government in our lives, and less taxes.

      Lower taxes haven't solved any problems, it's only increased them.

      By the way have you heard Rands idea for a flat tax? That's better any day than super high taxes which will happen with Sanders.

      I have. It's a good example of a plan that will increase our problems, not reduce them.

      There was a reason America succeeded from Britain.

      Yes, reasons that have nothing to do with our current circumstances.

      • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)

        "What do you think socialism is?"?..................."Lower taxes haven't solved any problems, it's only increased them."=Point of view/values.................."I have. It's a good example of a plan that will increase our problems, not reduce them."=Point of view/values..................Yes, reasons that have nothing to do with our current circumstances."=Point of view/values

        • spaceghoti

          "What do you think socialism is?"?...................

          That's the problem. A lot of people use "socialism" as a scare word without actually understanding what it is or what it does. The US has had socialist laws and policies for eighty years, and they were strongest when the US was at its economic height. But of course the Cold War drove propaganda that turned "socialism" into a bad word, to be associated with the military democracies of Soviet Russian and Maoist China.

          "Lower taxes haven't solved any problems, it's only increased them."..Point of view/values..................

          Granted. If your primary concern is to comfort the comfortable then lower taxes are all that matter.

          "Yes, reasons that have nothing to do with our current circumstances.".....Point of view/values

          No, the reasons stated for the division between the American colonies and the British Empire were very clearly spelled out. "High taxes" were not one of the reasons given, "taxation without representation" was. US citizens are not being taxed without representation.

          • ttubravesrock

            US citizens are not being taxed without representation.

            The vast majority of US citizens have representation, but have you seen John Oliver's report on US Territories?

          • MAGISTERLUDI

            "they were strongest when the US was at its economic height." and again can be argued precisely what has caused our present economic condition(s)=just point of view/values........."Granted.".......................Better read up on the Declaration of Independence, "For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:" was just one of many grievances, that could well apply.

            • spaceghoti

              "they were strongest when the US was at its economic height." and again can be argued precisely what has caused our present economic condition(s)=just point of view/values.........

              At the very least they didn't destroy our economy or workforce. Our businesses started breaking records with profits after the recession ended in 2014 but only the elite have shared in those profits. In fact, economists point to strong social programs (aka "socialism") for why our middle class has been so strong for so long. Ever since we started undermining those programs, the middle class has been in decline. Socialism would help alleviate the income disparity, but the opposition to this claims that it's somehow immoral or that it would destroy us.

              "Granted.".......................Better read up on the Declaration of Independence, "For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:" was just one of many grievances, that could well apply.

              It's like you didn't read anything after the word "granted."

            • MAGISTERLUDI
              @spaceghoti -

              Yep, and the Declaration of Independence "grants" my last point also, whether you read it, or not. Have a good one.

            • spaceghoti
              @MAGISTERLUDI -

              Yep, and the Declaration of Independence "grants" my last point also, whether you read it, or not. Have a good one.

              Multiple reasons were cited in the Declaration of Independence. "High taxes" were not among them. How are you being taxed without representation?

            • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)
              @spaceghoti -

              The comment you and I both responded to was "There was a reason America succeeded from Britain.". Your "high taxes" and "How are you being taxed without representation?" are solely your attributions, there are many grievances addressed,that would/could apply today. You may have the last word.

            • spaceghoti
              @MAGISTERLUDI -

              The comment you and I both responded to was "There was a reason America succeeded from Britain.". Your "high taxes" and "How are you being taxed without representation?" are solely your attributions, there are many grievances addressed,that would/could apply today. You may have the last word.

              The topic he was addressing involved taxes, so there was nothing inappropriate from following the context. If you feel there are more aspects of the colonies' relationship with Britain that apply today you're invited to clarify. Otherwise I'll take from the context that this is merely jingoism and the argument has no substance.

            • FurtWigglepants
              @MAGISTERLUDI -

              Can you point out those grievances for me?

            • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)
              @FurtWigglepants -

              Nah man, I made them up.

            • FurtWigglepants
              @MAGISTERLUDI -

              That wasn't what I meant. I want to know where you're coming from but everything you point out is unspecific rhetoric, no details or nuances in your arguments. It's like you're trying to make an argument but aren't, You have no substance.

            • MAGISTERLUDI
              @FurtWigglepants -

              I should guess you might make yourself familiar with the Declaration of Independence.

            • FurtWigglepants
              @MAGISTERLUDI -

              Again no substance in what you're trying to say here. Why, what point specifically are you looking at and how does it apply to your argument here? I can read and look at the declaration, analyze it for weeks but I would still not know why you pointed me to the document. How does it support anything you're trying to say here. I can know everything about it but that doesn't tell me what you're thinking.

            • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)
              @FurtWigglepants -

              Your only discernible query=............"Can you point out those grievances for me?"................. I can only repeat myself so many times, Read the "Declaration of Independence" they are listed there. Those are the only "grievances" mentioned by me in this entire thread. If you have other concerns state them, be specific.

            • FurtWigglepants
              @MAGISTERLUDI -

              You're not being specific. Just "read this document" that doesn't help me understand why. It's like you don't actually have an opinion rather just shouting rhetoric and spoon fed jingoism. How does this 250 year old document translate into modern day woe's especially when the context and nuances of the original have absolutely no bearing here.

            • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)
              @FurtWigglepants -

              He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.= selective enforcement of Federal Law...... He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.= NSA, TSA, et al........... He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation.=Nuclear treaty with Iran....He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us,= terrorism foreign and domestic, racial divisiveness, et al..

            • FurtWigglepants
              @MAGISTERLUDI -

              I don't think any of those things are accurately comparable, but thank you for spelling things out.

              Also a hitting enter and then space a few times will format things better.

    • Timothyjdrake

      I don't trust social Conservatives to stay out of my house.

    • TenNineteenOne

      I like both of them. Rand Paul and the libertarian movement get a lot right in my view, but I also think somethings would be better handled/funded by the government, namely Healthcare and Higher Education. Both things we lag far far behind other countries in, and both things are the most privatized. I also work with insurance companies every single day and can definitely see why they're ultimately the problem, not the solution.