9 years ago
The scary new science that shows milk is bad for you
Do Americans need so much milk? In 1951, Harvard University nutritionist Mark Hegsted wanted to find out. He had heard all about milk's virtues while growing up on a small Idaho dairy farm, but as he began studying nutrition, he noticed that plenty of people from countries with little dairy were thriving into old age. There was, however, a practical complication that prevented him from experimenting on the general population to understand this paradox...
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Eh. The science isn't "new" at all though. That article goes into depth about the political shenanigans and marketing that goes into the "snake oil" (as one commenter puts it) over decades, regardless of all the research from well respected communities pointing out otherwise. So really, this article is fucking great (and the creepy/amazing milk campaigns over the years is a beautiful touch), but the title is fucking me up. Such weird click bait.
And I just like yogurt too much to give it up. You'll have to pry it from my cold, cream covered hands.