sobeyharker's feed

  • 9 years ago
    Analysis sobeyharker

    I'm doing a follow up piece on my article '52 Reddit Alternatives' and want to have some input from the rest of the community about Sna...

  • 9 years ago
    Comment sobeyharker

    I really like the idea of this - despite the fact I'm deeply invested in my kindle now. I miss books, actual books, primarily because it's more of an experience on paper as opposed to a kindle. They just have more personality.

  • 9 years ago
    Achievement sobeyharker

    Good Image

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment sobeyharker

    Thank you! Well hopefully someone will be around so they can see that I'm not that much of a pillock but yes that response was what I was looking for from this community and I think the timing was just a bit unfortunate on the days I spent lurking around.

    But yes, don't get me wrong, I like Snapzu and that's why it's featured rather further up the list.

  • 9 years ago
    Text Post sobeyharker

    Snapzu, I was a bit of a dick to you. Can I make it up to you?

    15 comments in posted into

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up sobeyharker

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment sobeyharker

    Haha, cheers. I could have worded it better though.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment sobeyharker

    Well it's a couple of weeks old so hey give us time haha.

    That's a fair comment but I never said I was listing the 'best' in the world just that I was making a list. If they were going to come onto our domain I'd like to give them context and keep in mind in the original list I think we were about 4th with Snapzu ahead of us. You have to realise that this list was created in response to a text post in /r/redditalternativies and the blog was used in a convenient fashion to get past the 10,000 character limit. Due to the size of the subreddit I didn't expect it to go past a circulation of a few hundred. Maybe a thousand at a pinch.

    However as the medium one was picked up and was spammed by vengeful people who aren't a fan of Reddit's new policies (because there's no other list or resource readily to hand that list sites in such a fashion) it saw widespread circulation.

    We're not your competitor, and nor would I like us to be, as I don't see a reason why most of these sites can't coexist and achieve what they're setting out to do.

    In response to your rebuttal though I stand by own in which I state that I posted this list to get past the character limit and to help share a resource to a community I'm very active in. Spending even $1 towards hosting is more than anyone else ever does and the fact I go out of my way to list a LOT of viable alternatives highlights that too.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment sobeyharker

    No problem, sorry I didn't get back to you guys sooner.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment sobeyharker

    Don't worry about it, we've all been there, and these responses if anything have actually made me like Snapzu more because while there's a divided opinion here it's well thought out and respectful.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment sobeyharker

    I'm incredibly tempted to name and shame the individual who asked me to come here and have a browse but no this is not the account I used to browse and check out tribes. I spent some time over the past week with another user who is a much higher level user than what appears to be the average in this thread. It might have been because I wasn't thrilled by the tribes he followed or the homepage but yes I apologise for the casual use of language I utilised. I'm English and to me what I said wasn't so hostile but here it shows that I was rather out of order.

    This was created purely in response to my thread because to be honest I was rather flippant without thinking.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment sobeyharker


    The whole reason I created the list is because I posted the original "Master list" on /r/redditalternatives and I was asked to by a LOT of people who are either part or represent other communities. I gave them all, even the smaller ones with only a few hundred users, a fair shot. A lot of them shared their Google Analytics with me and we talked about their plans for future growth.

    This is the list I was talking about:

    People severely overestimate the use of such a list as a marketing tool, speaking as an ex-mod of /r/marketing and /r/ppc, and the main benefit here will be inbound in weeks/months to come. I did this not because my work wanted me to but because I thought I had an opportunity to create a decent resource for a large amount of communities. I'm speaking entirely on my own behalf here, not some hidden agenda, so I'd appreciate if people would talk to me as a person as opposed to some automated hired shill.

    I understand why this community is hurt by my comments and why they were taken outside of the context I meant - however I stand by what I said and that I look forward to the growth of Snapzu and things to come. This is a powerful community, with twice the amount of members of one that I represent, and I honestly see great things coming from it.

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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement sobeyharker

    Chatter Box

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    +1310 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment sobeyharker

    I'd say that's fair enough if I were a journalist or associated with a site in that manner.

    I did the list because the thread that I originally posted, with 19 different communities I frequent as a community manager, attracted attention and I was asked by a lot of people who frequent and run different communities. Which includes this one - to add them to a list. With the 10,000 character limit I figured it'd be more prudent to have it as a single blog post.

    Keep in mind we have no adverts on that blog and it's ran at cost to us to host it. As a viable, and more shareable version, I made a Medium version.

    I didn't expect it to get the attention I did but yes I put my startup up front because I put the time and effort into compiling that list. The Snapzu account that was used wasn't my own but if you refer to my comments further down I'm sure you can see that I'm obviously familiar with the site. This account was created purely to have an offical stance in regards to the statement I made.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment sobeyharker

    To be honest this has rather warmed me to Snapzu. This is what I'd like to see from a community. Not patting each other on the back because "fuck reddit" but divided but well thought out opinion.

  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement sobeyharker

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment sobeyharker

    Sorry. It's poorly worded and this better conveys how I feel.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment sobeyharker

    Sorry but if I was going to do so I'd be more tactful. Yes, I'm putting the one I work with at the top as I wrote the list. Why wouldn't I? Fact of the matter is no one else bothered to compile such a list and that's why it has gotten so much attention.

    I f you check my post history and not some /r/blackout 2015 "let's end redditor" who's spammed it you'll see I talked to a lot of other communities and put the effort in. If you think I'm here to shill for my site your mistaken.

    Also /u/sobeyharker is my user name.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment sobeyharker

    I don't think it's particularly conducive to argue over this, my language was flippant I'll admit, but the gist of what I was saying was clear and while you may feel personally attacked by this I can tell you as I've said before I'm just a man giving my thoughts on this site.

    The gamification elements don't appeal to me particularly because it then breeds a clique in older members that can prove to be exclusive to the larger community. I'm wary of anything that attempts to breed power users in such a forced fashion. The design is lovely, very functional, and I have no qualms there. Assigning a gender to someone though but not enforcing actual names to be used creates a problem where you have a disconnected individual to who you can apply assumptions about and dehumanise. Therefore new users could easily be subject to abuse or problems because of this. Avatars in general also come with their own fair share of problems but that's something else.

    As for the content being dull well behalf that's simply because everyone is far too focused on the Reddit drama and without want to focus on their specialist areas as they still have their subreddits to fall back to for that. Snapzu does well at broad conversation so it does replace /r/all wonderfully in a fashion but woefully as I said in those niche areas.

    I don't consider myself particularly suited to this - but point out any other user on /r/redditalternatives that put the time and effort to compile such a resource. The fact is you can't and if you don't like it I commend you to create and post your own. Instead of feeling hurt by this be proactive, don't grumble, and present your counterpoint.

    I even welcome you to try Campus Society. We're a fortnight old, and I've no doubt offended a lot of you here, but I can assure you my intention wasn't just to mudsling it's honestly just how I felt about the site.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment sobeyharker

    I spent a good week lurking on the larger sites and seeing how users interacted. There's a lot of talk about Reddit going on - I can't say I care for the drama so I was hoping these sites would do a better job of asserting their own sense of self.

    Snapzu isn't bad, it's a good site, but if you can't handle one person saying that he found it dull through passing as a community I fail to see what sets you apart from Reddit.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment sobeyharker

    Last week that's essentially most of what I saw.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment sobeyharker

    Sorry but 52 websites is a lot. You're damn right I'm going to copy and paste that into Medium as it's nicer looking and I wanted a mirror in case it got killed.

    I half assed some of the various clones, and it was meant to be a list with a tentative amount of information, but I did spend a week here lurking and at the end of the day it's come from a regular person no different from any one of you here. If anyone else wants to put the effort into compiling that list, hell use mine as a base as it is a massive task, do so with their own opinions I encourage them to do so.

  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
    Comment sobeyharker

    I'm not hoping that it degrades - I'm genuinely excited to see where Snapzu goes from here.