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Published 8 years ago by sobeyharker with 0 Comments

I'm doing a follow up piece on my article '52 Reddit Alternatives' and want to have some input from the rest of the community about Snapzu

  • Essentially I'm looking to do a follow up to this piece with a ranking list of 100 different web communities online. Originally my piece caused a little bit of tension between us but you were gracious enough to accept my apology and I must admit I've enjoyed lurking around here.

    It's taking me quite some time to update and do these as I'm being a lot more in depth and having to maintain accounts across 100+ different platforms. As such it'll become a 'Winter 2015 / Spring 2016 / Summer 2016' etc release pattern as that'll give me time to actually do my real job as opposed to typing in an ad hoc manner about online communities.

    I have to say it's been very interesting and the response from communities has been interesting. Not to mention the amount of people who have tried to incentivise me to 'bump' up their position or to edit what I've said. As such I'll be trying now to make sure it's impartial and fair as while I represent CS I'd like this to become a useful resource for all.

    Over this week though I'll be engaging more on this account though than my main to give me some examples of interesting things to showcase. It'd be cool if anyone has anything they want to put forward as an example of this community in action. Good, bad, sad...whatever. Just as long as you feel it's an accurate representation. In the mean time I'll be dotting about on the site and having a look around for anything else of note to go into this edition.



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