Post Overview
Current Event
9 years ago+1 1 0Fallout Shelter Is Coming To Android On August 13th
It's time to crack open a Nuka Cola and drink a toast to Bethesda. After several weeks of verbal and emotional abuse at the hands of rabid Android use... by Ryan Whitwam in Games, News
9 years ago+1 1 0Awesome Wallpapers -
Do you like wallpapers? Do you like browsing through lots of wallpapers? Well, here is the place to do it!
9 years ago+1 1 0Giant Bombcast 07/14/2015
We come together to talk about the untimely passing of Nintendo's Satoru Iwata before moving on to lighter topics like Rocket League, EA's Jade Raymond, The Magic Circle, face-scannin', the dissolution of KojiPro, and... look out every ...
9 years ago+1 1 0[Premium] Metal Gear Scanlon 4: Part 01
Metal Gear Scanlon is back! Are you ready for it?
9 years ago+18 18 0Internet Archive - Internet Arcade
Scratch that itch to play classic arcade and computer games, all in your browser!
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9 years ago+8 8 0What are your current or complete Raspberry Pi based projects?
Just curious what everyone here is up to.
I've been finalizing a garage door opener using WebIOPi. It currently can toggle the door and turn an AC circuit on and off. Just need to add a door position sensor and a temperature sensor and it'll be done.
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9 years ago+1 1 0Show off your MINI!
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9 years ago+3 3 0/t/minicooper - A tribe for MINI enthusiasts!
Do you have a MINI? Do you just enjoy how they look? Do you want to know how many people can fit in a MINI?
If so, then /t/minicooper is the place for you!
Stop on by, and let's motor!
9 years ago+8 8 0XDA-Developers Member Gets Windows 7 Running In A Virtual Machine On An ASUS ZenFone 2
Windows Phone, eat your heart out. Android is now capable of virtualizing a full and up-to-date Windows desktop operating system.
9 years ago+9 9 0The Old Games Show: 07/08/2015
Giant Bomb plays some old games. Games played: Awesome Possum, Michael Jackson's Moonwalker and Battletoads Double Dragon.
9 years ago+2 2 0Giant Bombcast 07/07/2015
Bellies full with deep-fried candy bars, we're ready to dig deep into the Nintendo PlayStation, weird Minecraft news, the dubious allure of Fallout Shelter, multiple weird Japanese fighting games, Nintendo's tough investor talk, hot pepper ...
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9 years ago+2 2 0How are you using Win10?
I'm just curious as to how the members of this Tribe are using Win10, and your experience so far. Are you using it in a VM, spare device, primary device, etc.
I loaded Win10 over Win8.1 on my gaming laptop, and it's been running great. I haven't experienced any deal breaking bugs, or really any bugs at all. I kinda wish I had more use for Cortana though.
9 years ago+1 1 0Metal Gear Scanlon 4: Loading
I hear this game has a pretty big install.
9 years ago+1 1 0The Giant Beastcast: Episode 06
What happened with Batman? Is Star Citizen a game? Is it better to have fluff content in your game to flesh out the world or to just streamline the whole experience? Maybe... it's a tie.
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9 years ago+1 1 0/t/giantbomb is live, come join in duders!
I thought it would be a good idea to establish a community to discuss the goings on at GiantBomb, so join in and share you hot takes.