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  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Eluveitie (folk metal) and Manau (Hip Hop) combine their remix of the same old song from Brittany live on stage at Gurtenfestival 2013

    The songs mashed up are Inis Mona (Eluveitie) and La tribu de Dana (Manau). Based on Tri Martolod.

  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Turisas - To Holmgard and Beyond

    Love the tribe suggestion engine for suggesting Finland on that one. :)

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +4 4 0

    Traduire le vocabulaire de snapzu

    Pour upvote et downvote, on a traduit ça sur /r/quebec par posivote et négavote. Ça marche très bien pour snapzu aussi.

    Les snaps, ça reste pareil en français? Je changerais pas, ça serait mélangeant sinon.

    Reste le nom pour les utilisateurs de snapzus. Pour reddit c'était facile, redditor -> redditeur, mais pour snapzu, c'est même compliqué en anglais.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +53 53 0

    What is the official name for a snapzu user?

    Snapers? Snapies? Snapzites? Homo Snapians?

    Also, what's the collective name for a flock of them?

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +19 19 0

    @username and /u/username should be equivalent

    When threads go long, snapzu automatically use the @username syntax to call each other so when we want to draw each other's attention we use the @username syntax and it doesn't work since the right one is /u/username.

    It's pretty confusing for newbies. Could @username also work for drawing someone's attention?

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +4 4 0

    La bannière

    Pour la bannière, une photo que Gargantua m'a envoyé :

    Z'en dites quoi?

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +7 7 0


    With the API coming, it means that bots are coming. I gave them some thought because I'm a programmer (so potential bot writer) and reddit bots annoy me so I'd be glad the same mistakes made there weren't repeated here.

    Especially since there are plenty of neat things we can do with bots. Like dice roller for RPG subs. Or that cool asoif search both on reddit.

    First pain point is that on reddit, bots don't really exist in the system. They are simply normal accounts that are automated via the api. I think that the system ought to know who's a bot and that their botness should be apparent when posting. Instead of being accounts, they should belong to accounts. This means that you can prevent early levels from using them (since they don't know snapzu yet) and loosen the quotas on high level users.

    Attaching bots to account also means that we know who to contact if there is an issue.

    Second issue with bots is sitewide bots. Because you thought of a joke doesn't mean everyone on the whole site should see it every time they use the words that trigger it. I've banned plenty of bots on a sub I mod for that reason. Bots should be invited on tribes by chiefs. Or bot writers should whitelist a list of tribes the bot should be active in (maybe that would be an option for higher level bot writers?).

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  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Accidental dupe of /t/penandpaper

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +5 5 0

    /t/trpgs - A tribe to talk about tabletop RPGs

    Grab your dice bag and come talk about tabletop rpgs on /t/trpgs

  • Unspecified
    9 years ago
    +18 18 0

    Ryuutama: A japanese travel RPG

    This is my latest discovery. It's a roleplaying game based on the joy of travel and discovery rather than fighting and getting loot mixed with inspiration from Final Fantasy and similar JRPGs. Lightweight and very refreshing.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +4 4 0

    Avez-vous créé des tribus?

    Sur reddit il y avait des subs pour tout. Ici, je trouve souvent qu'ils n'existent pas alors c'est l'occasion de les créer.

    Je crois que je vais en créer quelques unes même si je vais probablement transférer le poste de chef quand et si elles deviennent plus grosses.

    Pour l'instant, j'ai créé /t/folkmetal

    Je vous invites à joindre /t/newtribes pour découvrir les nouvelles tribus intéressantes.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +4 4 0

    /t/folkmetal – A tribe for all your viking, pirate, celtic, etc. metal needs

    Join in and listen to some neat music.


  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +7 7 0

    Tengger Cavalry - "War Horse", Mongolian Folk Metal

  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +10 10 0

    Finntroll – Trollhammaren

    Somehow, this seems to be everyone's introduction to the genre so it seems fitting as the first snap in the tribe.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +5 5 0

    Recognize svg extension as an image too

    I found that if you post a link to an image, there will be a button to expand it. No RES needed, pretty cool.

    Works with PNGs (and I suppose JPEGs too) but not with SVGs even though browsers can display them fine. It's probably just missing from the whitelist I guess.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +5 5 0

    Le logo de la tribu

    Quand je vais avoir l'occasion de le changer, vous voulez quoi comme logo?

    Je pense à soit un drapeau du Québec qui bat au vent (vu que le logo est carré et que je veux pas péter les proportions du drapeau) ou un Harfang.

    Je penche pour le harfang parce que c'est très esthétique et que son rôle comme symbole aviaire du Québec est super connu au Québec mais pas du tout connu hors-Québec (les canadiens par exemple l'ignorent presque tous).

    Les deux trucs disent « Québec » sans avoir une idéologie politique quelconque attachée.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +4 4 0

    Planifions l'invasion

    Donc qui voulez-vous inviter et qu'est-ce qu'il vous reste comme invitations?

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +3 3 0

    Proposition pour un meilleur support du français et des autres langues

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +3 3 0

    Setting a language on tribes

    I posted my first snap and noticed that it went both to the tribe I meant it for, and to the frontpage. Touble is, I'm more interested by the nascent french-language tribes than the ones in English and if we all start posting in tribes of our various languages we'll eventually get a language soup on the front page.

    To fix that, we could assign languages to tribes (could be more than one, for instance /t/Switzerland would have four) and use that for preventing snaps from reaching communities that don't speak the language they were written in.

    Also Snapzu itself could be localized but that's a much smaller concern.

  • Analysis
    9 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Idée pour améliorer la gestion d'une communauté à la /t/quebec

    Voyons voir ce que les snapzies (c'est ça le gentillé?) en pensent.