
@username and /u/username should be equivalent

When threads go long, snapzu automatically use the @username syntax to call each other so when we want to draw each other's attention we use the @username syntax and it doesn't work since the right one is /u/username.

It's pretty confusing for newbies. Could @username also work for drawing someone's attention?

8 years ago by redalastor with 7 comments

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  • Rothulfossil

    I disagree. It's not hard to get used to using /u/username, so newbies should only be confused briefly. The site in general is a little confusing at first, so new people simply need to settle in and learn the features.

    A better solution would be to mention that syntax in the tutorials you get while you level up.

    • jmcs

      There are several sites and webapps that support @username so it's the de facto standard.

      • Rothulfossil

        I agree, I just think it's more confusing to have both on Snapzu. Should be either/or.

        • jmcs

          Why would it be confusing to support both?

          • Rothulfossil

            Simplicity is key in designing these sorts of things. It just makes the system seem a little sloppier than it needs to be. What would be the advantage of keeping both?

            • jmcs

              /u/ would be consistent with tribes (/t/) and reddit, @ would be consistent with everything else. If anything it's less confusing because it covers the two most common notations a new user might try to use. I know software that supports several different notations and I never saw anyone confused with it.

            • Rothulfossil
              @jmcs -

              I suppose in the end it's up to the devs. I still personally think it's better to have one or the other, but that doesn't discount anything.