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  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +2 2 0

    SC Senator Opens Senate Confederate Flag Debate With Same-Sex Marriage Rant

    SC Senator Lee Bright Unexpectedly Goes on a Same-Sex Marriage Rant During the Senate Debate on the Confederate Flag

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +8 8 0

    What is your recurring dream and what do you think it means?

    I think mostly everyone has had a recurring dream before, what is one of yours? What do you think it means?

    I had one when I was younger that I kept having for nearly a year. I would appear in a room with no walls and no ceiling, it seemingly wen on in all directions for infinity, blurring out into a grey fog. The room did have a floor, however and it was a black and white tile floor like the ones you see in kitchens on Looney Tunes. To my immediate left was always a rich wooden staircase with a red carpet running up the middle. I couldn't see where the staircase went as it seemingly went on forever too, fading into a fog. I would always decide to climb the staircase and it would always seem to take a REALLY long time. When I finally reached the top of the staircase, I would be on a balcony made of the same wood as the staircase with a matching red carpet. I couldn't see where the balcony went except to the left where it overlooked the room I had climbed up from. I look over the railing and stare down at the floor way way way below and it looks like little black and white dots that almost make a monotone grey at this distance. I decide to climb up the railing and jump off toward the floor. I fall for a long time, longer than is proportionally possible for the amount of stairs I climbed and I love every minute of it. I wake up before I hit the ground.

    I think it was about wanting freedom and independence as a child due to the emotions of the dream (I was never scared or unhappy in the dream and I enjoyed the fall). The stairs, I think, represented age and my lengthy wait to get to the "top" (adulthood) where I could decide to do whatever I wanted. This freedom, I believe, was represented by my fall.

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  • Question
    9 years ago
    +10 10 0

    What is in your backpack?

    This question is directed at those who overnight hike into the wilderness. What do you bring with you?

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +14 14 0

    [Feature] A way to hide already-seen posts

    This is a simple feature that would make browsing content MUCH better for the average user. It could be implemented in many different ways. A simple "hide" button would suffice but something like having the links disappear once clicked would be more elegant. I don't think it should be tied to the upvote or downvote, however as this encourages people to "vote" on submissions that they wouldn't have voted on previously. With the down vote meaning something different here than disagreement, this could encourage more people to use the down vote arrow incorrectly simply to get content off their page.

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Welcome! Come introduce yourself here!

    Please leave a comment here and introduce yourself, tell us where you've been and why you joined this community. Tell us about your gear and your plans for future trips, or anything else about yourself. Welcome!

  • Video/Audio
    9 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Fire School Part 1 Bow Drill Lessons

    Dave Canterbury is a bit polarizing in that some people love him and some hate him. I tend not to care about his personality as much as I do about his ability to teach survival basics. This Fire School series is EXCELLENT for those wanting to learn h ...

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +5 5 0

    New Tribe: /t/Backpacking is here!

    Hey guys, I am a mod over at /r/WildernessBackpacking and I have opened up a new Tribe here in hopes of creating a new community centered around exploring the wilderness with nothing more than what you can fit on your back. If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, please join this tribe and help us make a thriving new community on snapzu! Thanks!

  • Text Post
    9 years ago
    +7 7 0

    I opened an account when this first started... Stayed with Reddit until now

    I am a moderator of a smaller subreddit and am looking to join the community here, if not as a replacement for Reddit, at least as an alternative when things go crazy like they are now. Just wanted to say hello and add to the sentiment that I think we can build a fun, unique, and colorful community here and I would love to be a part of it.