
I opened an account when this first started... Stayed with Reddit until now

I am a moderator of a smaller subreddit and am looking to join the community here, if not as a replacement for Reddit, at least as an alternative when things go crazy like they are now. Just wanted to say hello and add to the sentiment that I think we can build a fun, unique, and colorful community here and I would love to be a part of it.

9 years ago by neg8ivezero with 2 comments

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  • Autumnal

    Hey there! Yeah, I moderated two subreddits that were populated by..........well, probably just me, but I know the feeling. Snapzu's a great cozy place, welcome! Feel free to start up a few tribes to get things rolling :D

    • neg8ivezero

      Thanks! My sub wasn't one of the BIG ones but it had nearly 10k subscribers and I have just lost interest given the apparent direction Reddit is headed. I will continue to moderate there but I can't lie, my attention is elsewhere. This place seems to have a great system for promoting quality content but I haven't quite figured it all out yet. For one, I am completely perplexed as to why random comments seem to appear on my front page along with topics posted in my tribes, especially since they have no context. I am sure I will figure it out though. Thanks for the warm welcome.