9 years ago
Nuts and peanuts -- but not peanut butter -- linked to lower mortality rates, study finds
A study confirms a link between peanut and nut intake and lower mortality rates, but finds no protective effect for peanut butter. Men and women who eat at least 10 grams of nuts or peanuts per day have a lower risk of dying from several major causes of death than people who don't consume nuts or peanuts.
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I guess if I go out of my way and boil the nuts and add in the 1/4 cup per lb of salt that would negate this wouldn't it. I wonder if almond milk counts. Seriously though, I love peanuts and cashews, this just tells me I should love them more and eat a serving or two of them every day, but to remember moderation.
I think a lot of people get hung up on sensationalism of reporting and people making new "fads" that are supposed to help lose weight. Words like fat and sugar then become scary, and things like peanut butter and bread should be avoided. A lot of these things are actually very good for you, and very essential for your body. The reason they are an issue (at least in western society) is because there is already so much of it in the food we buy.
I couldn't imagine life without peanut butter.