mikeBnimble's feed
9 years agoAchievement mikeBnimble
Good Image
Reached a reputation rating of 67%. Congratulations mikeBnimble on this achievement!
+1340 XP -
9 years agoLevel Up mikeBnimble
Level 4
mikeBnimble is now level 4 with 6,110 XP.
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9 years agoAchievement mikeBnimble
Red Eye Jedi
Viewed 50/50 snaps! Congratulations mikeBnimble on this achievement!
+1340 XP -
9 years ago
I think it's more than just a gaff. He made some remarks that insulted a large group of people, and then chose to double down on those remarks every time they came up. When NBC and Univision cuts ties with him he accused them of supporting illegal immigration or some such nonsense. He also threatened to sue them. If this is how he acts in the first days of his campaign he has no business getting into politics.
9 years ago
Considering that he inherited a vast amount of wealth and has only held on to it by filing for bankruptcy again and again, I completely agree with you. He has no place in politics and is quickly losing his standing in the business world. Latinos are a huge demographic and he just really insulted them.
9 years agoComment mikeBnimble
I have been into RC for about 6 months, specifically helicopters. I own 2 RTF beginner quad copters and 2 3D flyers. I'm pretty good with my beginner quads, but still getting the hang of the 2 advanced ones.
9 years agoText Post mikeBnimble
First Discussion: What is your interest in RC?
1 comments in posted into
9 years agoText Post mikeBnimble
Just created an RC tribe
9 years agoComment mikeBnimble
I just created a new tribe and it specifically told me to come here and promote it. Just FYI.
Posted in: PSA: Please NO tribe promotion in /t/lounge
11 years agoLevel Up mikeBnimble
Level 3
mikeBnimble is now level 3 with 3,295 XP.
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11 years agoAchievement mikeBnimble
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations mikeBnimble on this achievement!
+535 XP -
11 years agoComment mikeBnimble
"Because, if as a country, America is going to continue to lead in innovation, we can’t be spending our time developing toys. We have to innovate innovation itself." Couldn't have said it better myself! It seems to me that America's business culture has become extremely short-sighted and small-minded. We used to be the innovators and the technical masters....now we just make gadgets and spy on everyone while denying climate change and watching TV.
11 years agoComment mikeBnimble
I have said for a while now that the human brain, combined with the nervous system and musculo-skelatal system, comprise the most complicated electro-mechanical system ever imagined. If you take into account the actual mechanical processes involved in the simplest motions, it becomes clear how much data the brain is actually processing to carry out that motion. Let's not even talk about language processing or music, just the mechanical control of the body is staggering. I believe that human consciousness is merely a byproduct of massive amounts of parallel signal processing from numerous data streams.
Posted in: UA Study: Your Brain Sees Things You Don’t
11 years agoComment mikeBnimble
Sounds like someone in Russia doesn't want to play with us anymore.
11 years agoComment mikeBnimble
I love this country's media. The headline talks of Obama's dirty secret....but I see this as private citizens' actions in response to a law passed by Bush. I agree that it is a terrible situation, and Obama theoretically could do something about it, but it is small fish compared to other issues that are going on right now.....and Obama didn't write the law that caused it. This should be called "The secret, dirty cost of a corrupt and non-functioning legislative branch."
11 years agoComment mikeBnimble
i"ll believe those specs when the video shows it actually running. There is nothing in the video that even proves that thing has an engine! Never mind that the next most powerful car in the world only has 1350 horsepower, which is roughly a quarter of what this car claims.
11 years agoComment mikeBnimble
And that...Ladies and Gentlemen...is why we still had a cavalry well into the 20th century!
Posted in: 21 Cavalry Photos You Have to See to Believe
11 years agoAchievement mikeBnimble
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations mikeBnimble on this achievement!
+530 XP -
11 years ago
Actually falling asleep. Narcotics knock you out in high dosages, so you get used to taking a nap after every dose. Then, when you aren't taking them, your body has trouble triggering sleep. I would have to either have a few drinks or smoke some weed to get drowsy enough to sleep. Once I was over the initial withdrawal period I was able to resume natural sleep cycles. I also started using various herbal products to help with the chronic aches and the remaining inflammation, I believe these helped as well.
11 years agoComment mikeBnimble
This really is a huge problem in this country. After a 2005 motorcycle wreck I was on Vicodin 24 hours a day for more than 6 weeks. When the doctors took me off the pain pills I had to turn to marijuana and alcohol to be able to sleep. I was glad for the drugs while I was in severe pain, but getting off of them afterward was one of the hardest periods of my life.
11 years agoRelated Link mikeBnimble
Who Is Responsible for the Pain-Pill Epidemic?
mikeBnimble added 1 related link(s)
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11 years agoComment mikeBnimble
This article makes a very good point, but I think that statistical error is the tip of the iceberg. A much bigger problem is outright fraud, bought studies by corporations, and a lack of interest in reproducing others' experiments. Incorrect, fraudulent, and/or otherwise misleading studies are printed all the time and are never retracted. The one that are retracted often remain available in online archives, where they are read and cited by new researchers.
TL;DR I think scientists have been put under too much pressure to produce and publish and the work has gotten sloppy.
11 years agoComment mikeBnimble
While agree with the overall sentiment, I'm not sure what world this guys lives in. The last time I checked, everybody has the same internet. Where is it that rich people have better websites to read than the poor people do? I agree that you need skills to wade through the junk...find "the signal in the noise," but most of the information is free. People who spend less time on the web have less skill, but they have access to almost all of the content.
11 years ago
Agreed. America's legal system is concerned with all the wrong things, and it, like everything else in this country, is a business to be exploited.
11 years agoComment mikeBnimble
That's awesome! I love videos that capture things that the human eye can't see. Although they are usually high-speed videos, so it's cool to see this in real time. I guess the frame-rate was just right.
Posted in: Stunning bass string shot