killah's feed

  • 11 years ago
    Expression killah

    The 'Heroes' Reboot and NBC's Obsession With Its Own Nostalgia

    When NBC announced that it was reviving Heroes as a 13-episode standalone “event miniseries” in 2015, the news was met with the expected reaction: mocking. Lots and lots of mocking. It is such a bad, out-of-nowhere idea that it’s hilarious to even think about. NBC decided that a show that was great for one season, acceptable for a second, and laughably awful for its final two would be the best show to revive five years after its cancellation.

  • 11 years ago
    Video/Audio killah

    Hennessey Venom supercar narrowly tops land speed record

    Supercars are designed to push the limits, be it in performance or design sensibilities. But in a flat out race, speed is everything. That's what makes a new record set by the Hennessey Venom GT so impressive. The supercar — which runs between $600,000 to $1 million — was clocked at 270.49 mph earlier this month, reports Top Gear.

  • 11 years ago
    Video/Audio killah

    Plain Sight

    Hiding in plain sight, the photograph skims across the skin of reality.

  • 11 years ago
    Analysis killah

    Inside DuckDuckGo, Google's Tiniest, Fiercest Competitor

    In 2008, launching a search engine seemed like a crazy idea. Here's how Gabriel Weinberg proved the critics wrong.

  • 11 years ago
    Current Event killah

    Aereo loses copyright fight, gets banned in 6 states

    It's been clear for some time now: Aereo's fate will ultimately be decided by the US Supreme Court. Arguments are scheduled for this April. Notwithstanding the forthcoming argument at the high court, US District Judge Dale Kimball of Utah has gone ahead and issued a preliminary injunction, which will ban the Aereo service in Utah as well as the rest of the 10th Circuit, which includes Wyoming, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Colorado.

  • 11 years ago
    Analysis killah

    What's Happening in Kiev Right Now Is Vladimir Putin's Worst Nightmare

    The last time that this many people came out to the Independence Square (the Maidan) in Kiev, nine years ago, protesters undid the election of Victor Yanukovich and brought to power a Western-friendly government. In the process, they scared the living daylights out of Putin.

  • 11 years ago
    Analysis killah

    Is Television Still the End Goal?

    Before the rise of digital content, life for creators was a lot more simple but a lot harder: If you wanted to tell stories in a visual medium, your only real option was to head to Los Angeles or New York and work your way up the traditional industry’s ranks — and maybe, just maybe, lucking into a job making television or film.

  • 11 years ago
    Video/Audio killah

    "Teddy Bear," the porcupine, doesn't like to share...

    A talking porcupine! Zooniversity's North American porcupine, "Teddy Bear," gets a cob of corn for a treat -- but, he doesn't like to share. Listen carefully to see what he has to complain about!

  • 11 years ago
    Current Event killah

    Spain becomes first country to rely on wind as top energy source

    Spain is the first country in the world to draw a plurality of its power from wind energy for an entire year, according to new reports by the country’s energy regulator and wind energy advocacy group Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE). Wind accounted for 20.9 percent of the country’s energy last year — more than any other enough to power about 15.5 million households, with nuclear coming in a very close second at 20.8 percent.

  • 11 years ago
    Analysis killah

    How the Mindful Parenting Movement Is Setting Parents Up to Fail

    Don’t we modern American parents need to learn to be calmer monkeys? Absolutely. In its diagnosis of the ills of modern parenting, the mindful parenting movement is spot on. In her new book Mindful Parenting, family psychologist Kristen Race writes in a chapter called “Overscheduled” about Eva, a girl whose mother brings her in for therapy. Eva was a calm kid who in the middle of first grade suddenly turned anxious and defiant, so Race asked her mother to write down her weekly schedule.

  • 11 years ago
    Current Event killah

    T-Mobile CEO crashes AT&T's CES party, gets escorted out

    T-Mobile CEO John Legere has been crashing AT&T’s party figuratively for the past year, but he did it for real tonight — showing up uninvited at his rival’s private Macklemore concert at the Rain nightclub at the Palms Las Vegas. But he wasn’t able to stick around for long.

  • 11 years ago
    Analysis killah

    Forget Mega-Corporations, Here’s The Mega-Network

    Corporations are arguably more powerful today than ever before. But the economy isn’t dominated by a handful of megalithic conglomerates. it consists of hundreds or thousands of smaller, more specialized firms. Our cyberpunk future-present is dominated instead by a new power structure: the mega-network.

  • 11 years ago
    Level Up killah

    Level 12

    killah is now level 12 with 94,915 XP.

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    • Tribe Creation The maximum amount of tribes you can create has been raised by 2 to a total of 9.
  • 11 years ago
    Achievement killah

    Media Mogul

    Published 10/10 current event snaps! Congratulations killah on this achievement!

    +6330 XP
  • 11 years ago
    Current Event killah

    Chinese Man Gets Death for Daycare Center Attack

    A Chinese man who hacked three children to death and injured 13 others at a daycare center in southern China was sentenced to death on Saturday, the official Xinhua News Agency reported. Wu Yechang was convicted of intentional homicide in the Guigang Intermediate People's Court in China's Guangxi region for the September 2012 attack that horrified the country.

  • 11 years ago
    Video/Audio killah

    Vending machines and toilets in Japan

    Tourists guide to Japan

  • 11 years ago
    Analysis killah

    The 10 Coolest Big Data Startups Of 2013

    The coolest big data startups of 2013 include companies developing products based on Hadoop, machine learning, predictive analysis, SQL database and NoSQL database technology.