11 years ago
Inside DuckDuckGo, Google's Tiniest, Fiercest Competitor
In 2008, launching a search engine seemed like a crazy idea. Here's how Gabriel Weinberg proved the critics wrong.
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I love DuckDuckGo and use it every day. I just wish that there were more options for image searching.
Image search is one of google search's weaknesses. Even bing has better image search.
Does anything have the image search functions as google though? Like, "only look at results greater than 2MP" is a big feature I like. When they got rid of it for a month or two, I was furious.
They have a set size filter (small, regular, large, wallpaper, I think), but I find that generally their selection of results is usually better targeted. I guess it's just my preference and don't get me wrong, I think Bing is horrible compared to Google in regular search.
I always thought https://www.ixquick.com/ seemed like they were better about privacy and results than duckduckgo.
Thanks, never heard of them. I'll be checking them out!
But the search profile data that google keeps about you is anonymous and it's only used by you and your computer to help you get better results and show you ads that really matter to you. So why not use Google?
Says who? Google? You'll have to forgive me for not trusting their word on the matter.
Yes, I don't blame you, it's normally the big companies we shouldn't trust.
That doesn't necessarily give you better results...
i like it but it doesn't allways finds the best results
Agreed. As a search engine DDG lacks in comparison.
I'm a little confused. How can one build a 20 person company just by filtering the search results from Bing? DDG isn't creating anything per-se. It's just a filter.
I am not sure but I have heard DDG searches onion sites as well. If yes, that's a big deal but I can't be sure.
There was some discussion about that a while back, but I don't know if anything was ever implemented.
I want them to make a browser next, that would complement the search engine.