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9 years ago+3 3 03 months in -- what have you learned
Many of you have been with this tribe for 3 months. As I've been gone 2 of those due to family issues, I'd love to see where we all stand.
What have you learned about running tribes? How many have been successful, by the standards you set for your tribe(s)? Do you have any pointers that you can offer now that you wish someone could have offered you 3 months back?
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9 years ago+14 15 1I'm baaaack
It's been a while. For those who aren't aware, there was a scare with my wife's pregnancy, and she was placed on bed rest. This left me with doing my normal job, all house work, all shopping, and all the child rearing for our other 2 boys*
- Disclaimer: I don't hold any of that against her. Doctors orders are what they are, and a healthy wife and baby were my priority.
Good news! I'm not getting sleep any more!
Yep. Joker Junior Part Trois made it here. As I try to stay anonomous, I'm not giving the birth date (I've made it known which state I reside in).
I'm happy to announce that mommy and son are doing great. I'll run it by Mrs. Joker to see if I can share pics. If so, I'll reply to this discussion with linkage to pics.
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9 years ago+27 27 0I've been away
For those who know me, I'm a, well, joker. This post isn't the usual me.
I had to rush my wife to the hospital on Sunday because of complications with her pregnancy. Right now, she is 29 weeks along, so it's too early for delivery, but the baby did their damnedest to prove us wrong.
by Sunday evening (~5 hours after going to the hospital), we were informed that she would be staying for the remainder of her pregnancy, on bed rest with constant monitoring. They also started giving her medicine to try to stop the labor and strengthen the baby's lungs in case keeping the pregnancy going until week 34 wasn't a possibility
Fast forward to yesterday, and the doctors say if everything is OK, she may be out by today (afternoon/evening), but will be limited to laying down or using the restroom. We have 2 other kids, so she's glad to be coming home, but hates that she won't be of much use around the house.
This is why I've been gone all week, and haven't been helping out in /t/chiefs or /t/linuxadmin
For those who have joined, but have missed out on my greeting: welcome to the family!
For those who know me and/or follow me: I'll be back soon. The home dynamics have shifted, and I'm just trying to get things to settle down before she comes home.
Thanks for reading this!
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Current Event
9 years ago+1 1 0Heat advisory again covers most of state
Temperatures in the mid- to upper 90s and humidity that will make it feel even hotter have again prompted the National Weather Service to issue a heat advisory for much of the state.
Current Event
9 years ago+1 1 0Conway police investigating Chick-fil-a shooting; two injured
CONWAY (KATV) Authorities are investigating a shooting that happened at a local Chick-fil-a. The shooting occurred after hours and left two injured.
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9 years ago+2 2 0/t/arkansas For all those who hail from diamond country
Created /t/arkansas because I'm curious who all is from my home state.
We cover topics such as:
- News
- weather
- stories about current events
- personal stories
- complaints towards a business (keep it clean, everybody)
All pertaining to Arkansas. On-topic only, or it goes into bye-bye.
9 years ago+2 3 1Java and Flash both vulnerable—again—to new 0-day attacks (Cross-post from /t/security)
Java bug is actively exploited. Flash flaws will likely be targeted soon.
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9 years ago+4 4 0[NOTICE] This tribe is now a discussion tribe
As this is a tribe designed to help others, and to get help, I have moved this to a discussion-only tribe (no links, unless they are in the body of your message).
If you feel links would be beneficial, I'd be glad to hear from you!
Current Event
9 years ago+2 2 0Surviving Hurricane Katrina: A sysadmin's epic DR (as in Didn't Realise) odyssey
25 days of refugee sex and guns in odd places 5 pages, but COMPLETELY worth reading.
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9 years ago+1 1 0[QUESTION] We're looking to make a gaming rig/HTPC...
.....what would you recommend as far as specs? We have about 700 games (we are digital hoarders).
Right now, we have a game system (X180 -- half what it should have been), but we want a central location. We have the USB adapter to hook a controller from our game system to our computer, so all we need is just the system.
I found a great GPU on big sale ($220USD for 1333 Gigaflops/ 6GB RAM), so we need the rest of the DIY kit. I've been in virtual systems admin for years now, so I've been out of the hardware realm.
Oh, and hello from /t/chiefs!
9 years ago+1 2 1Question about Learning Python
They aren't sure where to go, so I'm cross-posting for them.
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9 years ago+9 9 0Why did you start a tribe?
I started /t/chiefs because after I started /t/linuxadmin, I realized I was starting something I knew nothing about. I wanted help, and because I'm a proponent of open knowledge exchange, I wanted to ensure that anything I learned I passed on to others.
I started /t/linuxadmin because I'm an avid Linux Administration guy who has been doing that for years (professionally, almost 2 decades). I love keeping current, and helping others do the same.
Now, why did you start your tribes? Rather than responding to this, start your own discussion, so we can keep all responses within scope of your tribe.
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9 years ago+3 3 0Tribe level 3 in 23 hours -- Here's how
I've had this tribe up for about 23 hours now, and we've already reached level 3.
How did this happen? There's a trick to snapzu:
- Snapzu is a site that drives (and rewards) you to be friendly & helpful
From levels/xp to daily reputation, you only advance if you're nice to others. Simply put, we don't advance if we are self-centered, unless we surround ourselves with self-centered people who will up-vote you.
So, I started camping /t/lounge and /t/newtribes and began welcoming people, because I'm competitive that way. As I did that, I stopped being competitive, and began genuinely enjoying being one of the first people someone interacts with, and showing them that this is a positive environment.
They made being nice a game, and I am eating it up!
Now, in /t/newtribe, after I would introduce someone, and welcome them to the family, I would put in a shameless plug for /t/chiefs. I'm sure that is where you became introduced to this tribe.
I hope this helps fellow chiefs advance their tribes.
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9 years ago+4 4 0[VOTE] As a group, what rules do you feel should be implemented?
As this tribe is still very new (haven't even closed out the first 24 hours), I figured I'd let you guys help shape this tribe by giving your idea of rules for us to vote on them.
Here are some I'm thinking about
- Only Chiefs and mods can create content.
- Once a non-controversial tribe reaches level 2, their chief/moderators can request moderator status in this tribe (this will help keep this tribe for chiefs and moderators)
- Stay on-topic. This tribe is about helping chiefs and moderators improve their tribe(s). You can discuss other things, but it has to be in relation to managing tribes/changes to the system that will directly impact (good or bad) our ability to manage our tribes.
Thoughts? Critiques? Other rules? Clarifications?
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9 years ago+3 3 0[PUZZLE] CLASSIC: Missing Money
After a long day on the road, 3 guys decide to stay at a hotel. The come across this old hotel, and decide to stop to see how much it would cost.
They get to the desk, and ring the bell. A bleary-eyed desk clerk peaks his head out of the cubby hole he was resting in.
yawn "What can I do for you 3 gentlemen tonight?"
Jake, the foreman, responds "How much would it cost for a room?"
"30 bucks per room for the night"
Well, they all knew that wouldn't do, as they only had $30 between all 3 of them. A lightbulb apears above Jakes head
"We'll take one room for the 3 of us"
The desk clerk decided it wasn't his business, so signed them in, took $10.00 from each of them, and gave them the room key
"Breakfast is served 5:30AM-8:00AM"
"Thanks," Jake replies.
Now, after the guys left, the desk clerk got to thinking, "the boss man lowered the rates! It should have only been $25.00 for the night!"
He hands 5 dollar bills to the bell boy to get to the guys.
On his way to the room, the bell boy get's to thinking, "I can't split 5 ones amongst 3 guys," and pockets 2 dollars.
When he gets to the room, he gives each man $1.00 and goes on his merry way.
Now comes the fun part.
If the bell boy gave them each a buck, that means they paid $9.00 each, right?
$9.00 x 3 = $27.00
Plus the 2 ones in the bell boys pocket = $29.00
Where's the other dollar?
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9 years ago+5 5 0[RIDDLE] The Commuter
Every morning, Mr. Sneel would leave his apartment (#1216), hop on the elevator, ride down to the ground floor, then take the bus in to work.
Every evening, Mr. Sneel would ride the bus back to his apartment building, catch the elevator from the ground floor to the sixth floor, and walk the steps the rest of the way to his apartment.
Every day, except when it rains. On those days, Mr. Sneel would take the elevator all the way to his floor, rather than walking from the sixth floor.
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9 years ago+3 3 0[RIDDLE] HOW IS IT POSSIBLE?
A passenger train derails en route from Chicago to DC.
9 years ago-1 2 3Handstand Fail
Current Event
9 years agoCurrent Event+3 3 0DigitalOcean Raises $83M to Help Move Cloud Provider Forward
DigitalOcean CEO Ben Uretsky explains how he's building one of the world's fastest-growing cloud providers and his plans for open-sourcing his company's platform.
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9 years ago+9 9 0Which tribe do you represent?