
Why did you start a tribe?

I started /t/chiefs because after I started /t/linuxadmin, I realized I was starting something I knew nothing about. I wanted help, and because I'm a proponent of open knowledge exchange, I wanted to ensure that anything I learned I passed on to others.

I started /t/linuxadmin because I'm an avid Linux Administration guy who has been doing that for years (professionally, almost 2 decades). I love keeping current, and helping others do the same.

Now, why did you start your tribes? Rather than responding to this, start your own discussion, so we can keep all responses within scope of your tribe.


9 years ago by joker with 19 comments

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  • Bastou

    I started /t/Italian for learners of Italian and all things Italian language related.

    I also claimed /t/Language for everything related to languages, but focusing on language learning in general.

  • sixstorm

    I started /t/htpc because no one had made it yet. I love entertainment (TV shows, movies, retro gaming, modern gaming, etc) on my big screen so having a flashy, yet gorgeous UI makes for tons of eye candy and a good conversation piece when we have friends over. My wife and son love it as well and use it all the time.

  • gremlin

    I made /t/socialdemocracy because no one else had made it and I am quite excited to have been the first. Hopefully I have some time next week to really promote it and help it grow.

  • schrodingersman

    I started /t/baking because there wasn't one yet. It's something that I enjoy doing and took me awhile to learn as I didn't really have a teacher. I just wanted to be able to eat cookies and cake whenever I wanted so I taught myself. I wanted /t/baking to be a place that people like me who didn't have a person around who could help them.

    • joker

      I think I have a friend that I'm going to get to join so they can hit up your tribe. She is the best baker I know. Everything is always 100% from scratch.

      I started gaining weight when my wife introduced me to her. I'm sure it's unrelated.

      • schrodingersman

        Tell her to come on over. I would love to have more people who submit or comment on our content.

        • joker

          True story, but after posting my comment, my wife had me help her (read: do all the whipping) make some egg white icing. Frigging arm is tired (we don't use a mixer -- I am the mixer).

  • massani

    I started /t/casualconversation because I enjoyed the subreddit and wanted to bring something like that here. I love having talking about life, telling stories, and what have you. Plus, I've made some great friends on the the internet over the years, and wanted others to experience that as well.

    I also started /t/mensfashion because I love fashion and thought it would be a great first tribe.

    I didn't technically start /t/chillmusic, but I took it over. Love relaxing, kicking my shoes off, and listening to some sweet tunes, so I thought it would be a great place for people to come together and post whatever chill music they're listening to.

    • phosphorescent

      If you love chill music, is it safe to hope you enjoy electronic in general?

      Because I'll have to toss in a shameless plug for my tribe if you do.

  • Xeno

    I made /t/needafriend because I thought having a place to make connections is invaluable.

  • jenjen1352

    I started /t/popping because there wasn't one, and plenty of people apart from me like that kind of thing. Unfortunately within a few days I found myself obliged to mark my posts as NSFW because someone thought that the thumbnails (as set by Youtube) were revolting. Oh well, I shall continue it as my own personal popping library...

  • ishana (edited 9 years ago)

    I created /t/mobilegaming because I have a passion for mobile games and in my opinion I think mobile games does not get much love but there are so many amazing games that is on the market right now, Even thought there are barely any new good ones but I think it is getting there slowly.

  • eightbitsamurai

    Started /t/jrpg because it's my favorite game genre and I love talking about it! (someone save me I've been playing Rune Factory 4 for three days straight and I can't stop)

  • spammusbi

    I made /t/asianfood and /t/germanmusic because I have a huge interest in both. I'm not the greatest cook and definitely don't know how to make my dishes look pretty, but if people can find a useful recipe or share their own then why not?

  • sin

    Well, i started my tribes cause there was no NSFW content on this site. :)

    It's still pretty hard to keep NSFW tribes going cause the content labeled as NSFW is filtered pretty heavily.

  • fewt

    I used to follow this topic on another site, thanks for creating this tribe!

  • leetmoaf

    I started /t/metagames because I had a few ideas for discussion fun on /t/asksnapzu that couldn't be phrased as questions. It also helps divert some facetious questions from asksnapzu, theoretically, if metagames gets big enough.