Conversation 8 comments by 5 users
  • AdelleChattre

    Let's check to see what's at the top of Voat at this very moment... and, there it is.

    Voat: for when there somehow just aren't enough swastikas at Reddit for you.

    • imokruok

      I've done google searches to see what others think of us (snappers) over here but haven't found much. I think we mostly lean to the...grammatically correct left, ha, mostly.

      • AdelleChattre

        Well, this got downvoted at Snapzu today, so I guess we've got at least one tourist from /r/Incels or the like.

        • leweb

          On the other hand, I've never seen any snap downvoted more than a couple of times, which is a good sign.

          • Gozzin

            Same here. In reality,there is no liberal agenda,or gay agenda. The conservative agenda,of course is never mentioned.

            • imokruok

              my agenda is bisexual so there's that.

    • drunkenninja

      Your link isn't working, I guess they are down for the moment.

      • AdelleChattre

        I won't give the headline. Suffice it to say it was unambiguous racism.

        This article's angle that these sites — sites specifically meant to foster virulent bigotry, hate speech, Nazism and white supremacy — are so subtle about it that people need to be warned is absurd. As is the idea that they're mostly about anything else at all.

        As far as I can tell this article is meant to give these demented Nazi creeps a broader audience. Which, judging from the Cloudflare error pages, it's doing.