• Xeno

    It's true, but I also think it's a bit of a cop out for not wanting to do it.

    • pixelboot

      Reading between the lines in the McDonald's CEO's response, it came across very tense (and to be honest, I don't really blame him). From a business perspective, it was a bit sleazy of Burger King to make this a public proposal without any input from McDonald's beforehand. If there wasn't bad corporate blood between the two before, there certainly is now.

      • Xeno

        It's a win-win for BK. They get to put McD on the spot, and whatever McD's response BK looks better than McD.

        • pixelboot

          Exactly. I imagine McDonald's PR team is working like mad now to try and recover gracefully from this.

          • jmcs

            Send 1 container with hamburgers to Africa, it will solve the same thing on the long run (nothing) but at least they get a photo shoot.