gemlog's feed
8 years agoComment gemlog
No goz, I agree with leweb. Think of how it was ok to say 'retard' (just means slow in french). That was brought in to be less hurtful. Then it became hurtful and an insult in common society.
Well, what words can you actually use? Phrases? Frankly, and it should be obvious by now, "differently-abled" will simply come to mean something derogatory within a few years.
It's a losing battle and one that will never be won. Advocates want a word that means 'normal' and 'average' while at the same time pointing out a difference. Does not compute. You can't have that.
Any words you choose to differentiate that condition or thing will come to characterize that thing and have whatever connotations are normally associated with that thing or condition. You can change the label as often as you wish, but the referent remains recognizably the same and different from the norm or average. Just gets a new label every generation or two.
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8 years agoComment gemlog
This kind of story reinforces the idea that the police have a very dangerous job and are heroes who should be easily forgiven for when they mess up and shoot and abuse civilians.
Policing is not even anywhere near to a most dangerous job. Policing is so far down the list that truck drivers and taxi drivers have more dangerous work. Loggers and Fishers are the top two most dangerous jobs. Cops are 15th after "First-line supervisors of landscaping, lawn service, and groundskeeping workers" at number 13.
On the flip side, cops kill about 100 people a month in the usa. About.
Those are simply numbers. Just arithmetic. There are no other, contrary numbers available from anywhere.
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8 years agoComment gemlog
very good short I thought
not as good as the time machine though
that one was brilliant: (yes, I'm sure I've sent that one around before)
Posted in: 2016 Oscar-Winning Short: “Stutterer”
8 years agoLevel Up gemlog
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8 years agoComment gemlog
problems in the field of mathematics that anyone can understand, but nobody has been able to solve
Even before I clicked the link I knew that summary wasn't actually going to be the case. They are all looking for PROOFs, not solutions.
Posted in: 5 Simple Math Problems No One Can Solve
8 years agoComment gemlog
Thank you. Love the pun ishment.
8 years agoComment gemlog
Democracy now, young turks et al. like them are about the only places to find actual news. I curate my own tinyrss page of feeds to avoid the msm -- which I'm exposed to anyhow whether I like it or not.
8 years agoAchievement gemlog
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8 years agoLevel Up gemlog
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8 years ago
But goz, what about beer??? :-)
JK goz. The thing with fruit juices is they often deprive you of the fibre and nutrients that should go with them leaving you with just the diabetes-inspiring sugary drink.