
    Mayor Deblasio knew he was unwelcome. His presence demanded/guaranteed a reaction by NYPD, along with visiting police from most departments across the U.S.. Mayor Deblasio could have attended and respectfully not spoke,....... but no.

    • drunkenninja

      I say again... The grown officers of the law and the very people New Yorkers trust to serve and protect them could have handled this in a manner that did not make them look like a bunch of 12 year old bullies.

      • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 9 years ago)

        What's with the "12 year old bullies" analogy? Since when does a snub constitute being a bully of age 12, quite the contrary.

      • drunkenninja (edited 9 years ago)

        The bully analogy is quite obvious really... The police force (specifically in the US) needs to completely re-examine their approach to policing by accepting new technology (like wearable cameras) and moving forward with the times. No longer can the police brutally beat a man/woman on the street without footage of that heinous act going viral, same goes for shooting unarmed kids, mistreating people in custody and threatening citizens with violence for filming violence. The list of their bully tactics is extensive, and people are fed up, especially when there is so much damn evidence of this going on. As for why they are "12 year old bullies"? Their moronic display of disrespect to the mayor and in essence the rest of the country is something I would expect only a young and inexperienced human would do out of sheer frustration for their lack of having a feasible argument.

        BTW: Don't take everything people say so literally, it really doesn't matter if I said 13 year old, 14 year old, or went for the entire teen range and said 13-19 year olds.

      • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 9 years ago)
        @drunkenninja -

        I can not respond to what you meant only what you present. You have latched on to a political narrative, that includes disrespect for an entire occupation. Wearable cameras?, You have not thought through the considerations of when they should be on or off. Sure there are excesses as there are in any organizations with the size and numbers of U.S. police forces. Your gripe is about the amount, so show the statistical evidence, not nebulous rhetoric as to the extent/size of the problem, otherwise you do no more than support political pandering.

      • drunkenninja (edited 9 years ago)

        Honestly I'm not here to argue semantics with you, both of us had ample time to present our opinions and highlight our concerns. There really is no point to go further into this discussion.

        @drunkenninja -

        You are definitely not here "to argue semantics", ... not applicable, however our last discussion concerning this subject was terminated when you were similarly challenged.

      • drunkenninja

        To be frank arguing with you is pointless. The proof is all around you, I won't play librarian.

      • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 9 years ago)
        @drunkenninja -

        To argue one gives reason(s), cites evidence, again not applicable. The redirection and misrepresentation you display is diatribe.

      • drunkenninja

        And thus arguing with you is pointless. Too much effort for a lost cause.

      • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 9 years ago)
        @drunkenninja -

        You do go on;).............. you need to take a deep breath, and a big ole shot of Beam.

      • drunkenninja

        Hah don't have Beam, but I am on my 4th beer :D