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Published 9 years ago by drunkenninja with 3 Comments

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  • Vera

    HA! I read this as "The Future of Dating....." now that would be an interesting algorithm.

    • RockyTron

      Hmm.. probably not that much different to be honest haha... "The Future of Dating"... 10 reasons match your gut genome to your partner's!11!! Number 5 will blow your mind!

  • RockyTron

    It's science

    Technically this has always been the truth. This is how so many people achieve various outcomes using the same diet protocols. The problem, at least from a social science perspective, is how do you educate the masses from a general perspective about nutrition and give base guidelines that people can follow. Time and again we have found the general advice to be either counterproductive or misinterpreted leading to divergent and unintended outcomes.

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