9 years ago
Sony hackers threaten terror attacks against people who see The Interview in theaters
The Sony hackers are threatening an attack on people who go out to see The Interview, writing in a message that they "recommend you to keep yourself distant" from movie theaters and other screening locations. The hackers previously promised to deliver a "Christmas gift," and while that originally sounded like another trove of leaked data, they are now implying that it may be an attack. "Warning[.] We will clearly show it to you at the very time and places 'The Interview' be shown, including...
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I can't tell if Sony if Sony's ignorance of internet security (and stupidity in deciding to make this film) has brought them harm or benefit; they've essentially hit the PR goldmine, but it's come at the expense of their brand image.
I'm sure they will take it
The hack will only bring more attentions to Sony and the movie they are about to release. The crazy thing is, Sony will most likely survive this attack, North Korea, well that's a whole other story.
Go home North Korea, you're drunk.
Haven't these "hackers" ever heard of the Streisand effect?
Yuup this news will cause more people to know about it and want to see it.
They are most likely from North Korea, so that's why.
They should have expected this