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Published 10 years ago by drunkenninja with 4 Comments
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  • idlethreat (edited 10 years ago)

    I just can't shake the feeling that this was all a big dumb ploy to drive up interest in the movie. All I've been able to glean of it at this time is that:

    1. Sony got hacked (again)

    2. Probably insiders due to the prevalence of the hack, how deep it went, and how much data escaped...


    4. "It's North Korea! They don't want you to see this movie!" - Sony

    5. "We want to see this movie!" - People

    Aah. I should have checked with Security God Bruce before posting. Looks like he's seeing it the same way I am.

    Maybe the NSA has some secret information pinning this attack on the North Korean government, but unless the agency comes forward with the evidence, we should remain skeptical. We don't know who did this, and we may never find out. I personally think it is a disgruntled ex-employee, but I don't have any more evidence than anyone else does.

    The rest is here, if you're interested

  • Lavishllama

    Well, if the president tells you not to cave, I guess this is the result.

  • Chubros

    Just watched it and it was meh. But I can see why NK would be so against it.

  • hxxp

    Im gonna go check it out if I can

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